
Types of electrical machines & how they differ from each other in there working principle?

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Types of electrical machines & how they differ from each other in there working principle?




  1. two types. electromagnetic machines and electrostatic machine.electromagnetic machines are more common in use.van de graff generator  is a example of electrostatic machine, these are used in high voltage and high current applications like testing of insulators .there are many types of electromagnetic machines A.C. ,D.C, and  also special machines .electrostatic machines use action of points principle.whereas D.C. machines use Faraday's left hand and right hand rule. synchronous machines and induction machines are A.C. machines .synchronous machines uses magnetic locking principle where revolving field gets locked with the field produced by armature and the armature rotates .induction machines uses lenz law for motion of there are many special machines like SRM,PMBLDC,AC commutator motor,LSRM,PMAC,VR machines,Stepper motors,single phase IM many of these operate on basis of reducing the reluctance in flux path(SRM,LSRM,VR)each special machine has different principle.for more information see the book on electrical machines by Fitsgerald  

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