
Types of rats?

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are there different "types" or rats? if so can you name them and explain them? THANX! ♥

P.S. what type is my rat? he is white with red eyes.(he was a feeder but the snake did not eat him so hes our pet "Jerry".)

also, he is very aggressive. i cant even pet him! ive read that they become mean if they live alone is that true...if so how do i get my mom to buy me/let me buy another one. i told her they are very clean and almost smarter than dogs if not smarter but she wont even think about it!

please answer all

1)different types of rats

2)what type is he?

3)why is he aggressive?

4)how can i get my mom to get me anothor one?



gymnast88(and jerry)♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥




  1. Yes, there are many different types of rats. You rat is a pick eyed white. This type of rat is normally used in the labatorys. It will take a very long time to write out all the different types/vareties so you can have a look at some websites for yourself.

    Here is some websites:

    Here is a website that will help you figure out why your rat may be agressive:

    Try and show her that you can be responsible if you get another one. Cater all the rats needs and clean his cage, then maybe your mum might just change her mind! If that dosen`t work, try and get some information of the internet and present it in a speech to your mum and maybe then she will see how much you really care about your rats and how much you really want one. If that dosen`t work, try and get someone who has had experience with rats to try and convince her. Maybe even ask if you can get another rat for your birthday or Christmas.

    Rats are very social animals and love a little buddy to snuggle up next to, so please do get another rat. That may well be why your rat is aggressive. She may well be  stressed that she dosen`t have anyone to play with. Make sure you give her EXTRA attention when their an only rat and spend as much time with her as you can.

    Good luck, convincing your mum! May not be easy but it`s worth a try. I hope this helps.

  2. - There are different types, yes. Types include various fur types, markings, colors, eye colors, tear types, and tail or tailless. More on rat types:

    - Your rat is a PEW (pink eyed white), also known as albino.

    - It might be best to neuter your rat if he is overly aggressive. More on fixing rats:

    - Rats NEED to be kept in same s*x pairs or groups, they are very social. Show your mom these articles:
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