
Types of rocks that contain fossils?

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what are some types of rocks that can contain fossils?




  1. Nigel p has the best answer.

  2. Sedimentary rocks are formed from particles of sand, shells, pebbles, and other fragments of material. Together, all these particles are called sediment. Gradually, the sediment accumulates in layers and over a long period of time hardens into rock. Generally, sedimentary rock is fairly soft and may break apart or crumble easily. You can often see sand, pebbles, or stones in the rock, and it is usually the only type that contains fossils

  3. With *very* rare exceptions fossils are found in either sedimentary rocks or low grade metamorphic rocks  that were originally sedimentary rocks, so:

    Sandstones, Mudstones, (I would class shales as a subset of mudstones) and clays.

    Limestones, including Chalk.

    Fossils can also be found as replacement mineralisation such as flint fossils in chalk

    Metamorphosed mudstone such as slates, though they tend to get distorted or destroyed

    very, very rarely in volcaniclastics - have seen fossil wood at Herculanum for example

  4. sedimaentary rocks contain fossils some examples would be sandstone,limestone, siltstone, coal

  5. They are almost always found in sedimentary rocks, like limestone, sandstone, mudstone, shale, chalk, dolomite.

    Also in amber, a gemstone formed from fossilised tree sap.

  6. Shale and limestone are the most prevelent.

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