
Types of solutions!!!!

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can any1 tell me three types of solution!!




d solution vich is saturated and on heating more solvent can be disolved in it!!!

Can anyone PLZZZ help me!!!




  1. A saturated solution at a given temperature is one in which no more solute can be dissolved at that temperature.

    An unsaturated solution is of course one in which the solute concentration is below the saturation point.

    As to your last question, did you mean "solute"? The liquid is the solvent.

    A third type is supersaturated. This is a solution which has been heated above the saturation temperature to increase the solute concentration and allowed to cool slowly. In some cases, the solute does not come back out of solution or crystallize out when the temperature is back down to the original level. Such a solution is said to be supersaturated. Mechanical shock to the system or seeding with a nucleant is usually enough to cause the solute to come out of solution.

    P.S. It's spelled "Please"    

  2. Supersaturated:

    You heat it up, more solute dissolves and cool gently.  
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