
Typhoon Lagoon or Blizzard Beach???

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Which one would be better for a 12 or 13 year old?? Which one did you enjoy most??





    It had smaller rides that are still fun. & the wave pool is waaay better. The waves are huuuuge!

  2. typhoon lagoon. its fun to ride the waves and just kind of float around. lol

  3. typhoon lagoon, i went there when i was 12 and loved it. there is a ton of stuff to do:


    wave pool



    it was awesome

  4. Typhoon Lagoon, it's got a really fun wave pool, and more variety of slides, I tend to find it less crowded as well,  blizzard beach normally has huge lines.

  5. well typhoon lagoon for a 12 year old and a 13 year old people in those ages would love the rides there

  6. i enjoyed typhoon lagoon better, as a 14 year old, because it has this huge wavepool with really big waves which i thought was really fun. Plus they have a lot of other cool rides. But either one would probably be fun since they arent really that much different.

  7. Typhoon Lagoon, I have a story about Blizzard Beach.

    My family went there and we thought it would be awesome looking at it and stuff. You know kids, they always want to go on big rides. So we did. They have a ski lift going up and it got stuck. It was me and my 8 year old bro, sitting about 50 feet off the ground dangeling. We were stuck there for 2 hours.

  8. blizzard beach i loved but ive never been to typoon lagoon

  9. Typhoon Lagoon is better.

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