
Typical Aquarius Behavior?

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I'm an aquarius. Can you tell me more about aquariuses, such as their overall general behavior and things like that?

I'm curious.




  1. Hi,

    I'm an Aquarius too.

    Well first know that is your Sun sign, you have a moon, rising & houses, mercury, venus, mars, etc etc....go to to find your birthchart (basic one if you don't know your time of birth...your house & rising will not be found...accurately.)

    Aquarians are a fixed, positive, air sign.....&

    Aquarians have unpredicatble thought, moods, and actions to put it more specfically, but they can be very stubburn & set in their ways...unwilling to listen to orders sometimes making them a little rebellious. Being fixed makes them stubburn, unwilling to change ideas & actions, etc But, if the aquarian feels right to change their mind they do it with ease they have a very open mind to a lot of things.

    Positive just means your less sensitive, more out going, optimistic, easy to forgive & forget, etc.

    Aquarians are said to be very forgiving because they are so aloof & detached about things.....they are good at not letting emotions cloud their minds.

    The air sign means they can be intellectual, communicator, peaceful, jumpy, excitable, fun, out going, etc.

    Air signs are the less emotional people,...they rather think and reflect on issues & feelings....Aquarians are also the most 'unemotional' sign...not that they don't feel, but they bottle a lot inside & don't show it makes them uncomfortable to see too much emotion sometimes.

    Other times that bottled up feelings over flows & they get moody or too usually passes, but they like to be left alone....way to think & get over what is bothering them.

    Most of the time Aquarians like to talk, but sometimes they don't it depends on what they want...they rule the house of friendship, but they choose their friends & are centered on them...very loyal.

    Aquarians are friendly, open minded, rebels, caring, individuals, detached, charming, off beat, clever, sarcastic, funny, etc

    Bad things involve temper, unpredictability, insensitivity, too unemotional, rude, idealism, aggresive, etc

    They kind of have a personality that contradicts at why they are called the paradox sign :]

    They really don't like orders & will rebel...they have a strong sense of individualism...they like space, but then again they will do anything for anyone...just ask don't tell them :D

    They are friendly yes all the time, but cross them & they can get really rude & blunt with people.....of course we forget in a snap &'s our thing -_-

    If you look closely you can see how they are a paradox...they love attention, but also like to be alone...etc.

    There is much more, but thoses things are common for aquarians.

    Oh yeah...excues me I have to add we're air signs which is said to be attractive amoung the other signs :D

    A lot of well known aquarians are attractive & very famous & successful...some are very big humanitarians  too :]

    haha...I have to say ;D

    I hope that helped you out :D ;D :D


  2. Aquarius are very curious people, they like to know about everything and enjoy feeding their mind with all sorts of information. They are the type of people that will know random facts and will act pretty random too. I have noticed that we all share basic characteristics yet our moon sign is the one that ends up splitting us on our personality. Like for example, I know a girl that is an Aquarius and has a Scorpio moon sign and although we both are intellectual and creative she is a ***** and can be down right rude in an evil sort of way. I in the other hand have a Sagittarius moon sign and I am always friendly and making conversation with everyone and tend to only be rude whenever my Sagittarius moon sign’s bluntness comes out. So yes, we all share certain Aquarius characteristics yet there is more to us than just our sun sign.

    Aquarius tend to be:


    *Intellectually driven



    *Enjoy running (Something I have personally noticed)


    *Friendly and outgoing yet emotionally detached



    Other things I have noticed personally are that the guys tend to be skinny like Justin Timberlake and the girls tend to be short or at least average height and not tall. They are pretty in their own unique way and not what most would consider glamorous hot. The guys tend to like running a lot, again, something I have noticed and tend to be tall and slim.

  3. they can be unpredictable

    one just left my life :(

    o **** it life goes on lol

  4. We're independent people too. I guess that is why we are considered aloof.

    Meaning: we love seeing our friends, but not on a regular basis, like I'll see you when I see you, and then all of a sudden it's gone on for a few weeks, maybe a few months. Until our friends realize this and tell that we need to hang.

    It's good in a way because we're self reliant, and it lets us focus on our own lives (career wise for example) and in a long distance relationship (with the right person) it just makes things a breeze. We wont give you hard time if you forgot to call, or even forgot anniversaries and such.

    Loves to feed our minds with a lot of information is very true! Haha. I am a veeeery curious person, my mind is always working.

    Friendly all the time, and polite usually. Stubborn until you can prove that I'm wrong. Then I will completely accept your points of view and admit my mistakes.

    If people tell me to zig, then I zag, I didnt even realize I tend to do that until people around me said so haha.....

    looks cool and calm in speech / manner of atalkingbut actually we're sensitive just bottled up until probably later on in life is influenced by other warmer signs such as leos, scorpios or geminis/aries

    Unpredictable, you can't predict what we'll say, but you can predict that we'll say/ do it.

    What I still don't really comprehend though is the us being funny part, obviously not the brou haha like the LEOS or the SAGS  / GEMINIS

    so can somebody explain that one too?

  5. I am also!

    Very unpredictable

    & is very open to new things :)

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