
Typical Day in Panama...?

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I need to know this:

* Describe a typical day in the life of a student, age 13, who lives in Panama.

any help...?

Like what they do, what their schools are like?

Thanks, any help is appreciated.




  1. wake up between 5-6am to be ready for school and wait for your school bus to start school around 7 or 8am.  schools are much different from here, in public schools they have 2 different shifts 7-1230 and 1-530 or 6pm and you only get about a 20 min lunch.  classes are a little longer because u have about 10 different classes and they all meet different days for at least an hour. schools starts in march and ends in November and u get a  week vacation in between.  after school we just go home have lunch or dinner depending on your shift and then we do hw.

  2. a typical day in panama is pretty much the same as ours. they still have to go to school! {poor them} they still have chores and they still have to listen to mom and dad.

    any more questions? E-mail me @

  3. Average weekday...wake up, wait for the school bus (or hitch a ride with mom or dad), go to school (they start at 7:00 or 8:00 AM), come back home, rest, do homework, watch TV, go out, do sports, hang out at the mall, play video games, play some music, etc., watch more TV, sleep, and start all over tomorrow.

    The weekends are the same, except for going to school.  Depending on the amount of money your parents bring in, if you have a beach house, or a mountain home you either get to go, or you may stay if they trust you enough to stay by yourself, or if someone is taking care of you, and usually hang out with your friends, or go to some party.

    Schools are OK if they are private schools.  You gotta be more careful in public schools.  Some schools are near the city, so when you're done you can do some stuff before going home; but if your school is far away from the city (as some private schools are), then you better take the school bus back.

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