
Typical baby weight at 3 months and a pooping question?

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My son is 3 months old and weighs about 15 lbs. He seems so big do you think that is about right,. I know that some of you will say ask your doc. But when we went for his 3 month check up he was fine and doc did not say anything about his weight. What is they typical weight for a 3 month old?

Also he does not p**p every day and when he does it is really dry and he really seems to have a hard time going. He is only breast milk and Similiac Sensitive. What can I do to help him?




  1. Usually pediatricians will tell you where your child ranks (percentile) in height/weight. Be sure to ask at your future visits so you know where your kid compares. 15 lbs. at 3 months old sounds normal to me. If you think your baby is too chubby, don't worry about it. Babies are supposed to be plushy, more for cuddling!

    As for the pooping, my aunt (who is a nurse) used to put a little sugar in her baby's formula when he got constipated, but I don't know how safe that is these days. All I know is that it worked for her child and he never developed any crazy allergies or became obese or anything people like to scare others with. He grew into a normal, problem-free kid.

  2. Give him a little water between bottle or breastfeeding. Just an ounce is plenty if he'll drink it.

    15lbs is a big baby...but if he was checked out by doc..he's probably fine.  

  3. idk what "normal" is. however, my 3 month old little girl weighs 13 lbs, and she goes to a day care center where the average size of the children is 12-15 lbs.

    regarding the poops, dry poops are tough to pass for infants and you should talk to your daughter about modifying her supplement...might take a soy formula instead to help things pass more smoothly

  4. My son was 18 pounds at 3 months:)  He was very healthy and still is.  

  5. Your son is about average for his weight really.  At 3 months old they can go a day or even longer without pooping but if it is really dry and hard that is a sign he isn't getting enough liquids usually.  Is he getting a good amount of breast-milk?  Formula can cause constipation issues because of the iron in it.  I would talk to the Dr about the hard p**p and see what needs done but I wouldn't' worry about the weight it is ok.  At your next appt though just ask your Dr to tell you what percentile your son is on height and weight.  I know the pediatrician always tells me that information at every appt.  

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