
Typically, what is the maximum amount of credits per semester you can take at a University?

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  1. At mine there really isn't a limit.... But technically it's 18. No one takes more than 18 because it gets expensive and that's way too many credits

  2. 15 hours is average and recommended, 18 is the most you can reasonably take, but I've heard of people taking up to 22 and nearly going crazy.

  3. Well I am just going to tell you in general that 12-16 credits is full time. So anywhere within that group is probably what you would want to take. 18 credits is probably the maximum amount you would ever want to take if you are crunched on trying to graduate early or on time. Nonetheless, with the permission of an advisor (and with an override) you can take up to 21 credits. For this, you would have to show that you are capable of keeping up with a 21 credit semester and that you are motivated for whatever reason you want to take that many. Hope that helps.  

  4. It can vary a lot, but I've found that 18 is a common maximum.  

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