
Typically English. Does anyone else take tea bags with them on holiday?

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Even if I go to a hot location I have to take my PG Tips. It would be h**l if I had to go a few hours without a cup of tea, let alone a couple of weeks. Ahhhhhhh!




  1. Me too! I always take my Tetley teabags with me, but they still don't taste the same with boiled bottled water. First thing I do when I get back home is have proper tea and toast! Typically Scottish too you know!

  2. No, but this one time I was a little obsessed with Early Grey, so when I found myself writing a story about a poorly-prepared freight-train hopper, the character brought the tea bags with her.


  4. Mother does.


    i take my Nutri-Grains!

  5. Always have our Earl Gray and English Breakfast with us.

  6. no..too scared to take small bags of "herbs" through customs..

  7. i dont,

    but my mum does!

    shes obsest

    she goes absolutely nuts without her tea haha

  8. I do - I love vanilla chai tea, and it's not available is several other countries so I always take my own!

  9. Too right. You just can't get proper teabags abroad.Don't take anything else though.

  10. my mum always brings a box of twingings with her everytime we go on holiday abroad. so i guess you not alone. haha

  11. Yep me too - I cant do without my morning cuppa and it has to be PGtips!

    One of the funniest true stories I know about people taking things abroad with them was my ex when he went to france - he took washing powder with him and to make life easier he put it into little plastic bags with one wash load amount in each and he got stopped by customs. You can imagine what they thought when they saw all these little plastic bags with white powder in them!

  12. yeah ***** live ......... bu i'm irish !!

  13. No, considering there are so many different kind of beverages that we can't get at home in the places we visit, why would I want to deny myself the experience of trying them so I can drink something I can have at home?

    It's like going to Italy and looking for a McDonald's.

  14. well to be honest with you, i went to france with my husband and i didnt realise that i should have packed teabags.

    when we reached there the day after i was dying for a cup of tea so we went to this posh restaurant, and they gave me a cup of tea which tasted like boiled water.

    from that day i swore to take teabags with me whenever i go abroad.


  15. I never actually thought about it......but I will!!

    Was in a few European countries earlier in the year and I was choking for a cuppa!!!! It just was not the same :-(

  16. Yes i take tea bags everywhere, cant do with out me tea.

    And i take mugs on holiday the cups they provide are always to small lol

  17. Of course.  What's a holiday without a cup of decent tea?

  18. lol my sister always does always takes her co-op 99 tea bags whenever they are off on their for me i dont like tea i love my coffee

  19. mother dearest does.

  20. Barry's tea bags, Chef brown sauce, Tayto cheese and onion, Bulmers cider.  

    An uncle of mine once brought a brief case full of little pats of butter.......... it melted on the plane.

  21. Oh yes - I don't go too far without my Tetleys Peppermint Punch, and hubby sulks without his M&S Gold!

    Funny though, even if you use bottled water and boil it yourself, it still doesn't taste quite the same as it does at home!

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