
Tyra Banks from top model??

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do you think she is a little in over her head? She says she doesn't discriminate on top model but you don't see any short people on the show. Most of america isn't the height requirement(5'7) for the show. What do you think?




  1. I actually don't think she's in over her head.  She does a great job of having a really diverse group of candidates.  She has had models who are on the shorter side - they just haven't won.  Last cycle was the first time that a "plus" size model won.  She wasn't really plus like the rest of America would consider plus, but it was great to not see a toothpick win.  

  2. The show is called Americas Next Top Model for a reason. Model being the key word.

    There are different types of models, runway, print and commerical models.

    * A study done in 2002 showed that among top editorial fashion agencies in Los Angeles and New York, 81% of their “editorial fashion” models were 5’9” and above; 15% were between 5’8” and 5’9”, and only 4% were below 5’8” tall.*

    While there is no specific set rule in relation to height, it is the norm for models to be between 5'8" and 6'0".

    *The requirements for being a major market fashion model are not absolute – they are just (very strong) preferences.*

    *Height requirements in fashion are driven by two factors:  sample size and preference.  Designers and fashion photographers prefer taller models.  Dresses for runway shows and editorial and advertising photography are cut to a “sample size” that reflects that preference.  Once the clothes are put together it’s a lot easier to hire a model to fit than to redo the clothes for a shorter model.*

    This is not something that is specific to Tyra and is the modeling industry as a whole. I suppose it could be considered discriminatory, but its a matter of interpetation.

    *The following information is for female models (*):

    - Age between 13 and 24

    - Height (girls 17 and younger): minimum 168 cm (5'6")

    - Height (girls 18 and older): minimum 170 cm (5'8")

    - Anyone under the age of 18 needs parental consent

    (*) Information obtained from Elite Model Management; correct at the time of writing*.

  3. SHe is one of my role models so i hate to think that but yes i think it can be possible.

  4. I don't know like i still find it odd that the majority of the models on that show are skinny, tall, long haired white girls.  There is only one or two full-figured models and a few minority girls thrown in.  What's up with that?  Why can't it ever be more minority girls and just a few white girls for a change?  

  5. Tyra isn't the one discriminating.  The fashion industry has set standards for models...and most of them are very tall, at least 5' 7" and taller.  

  6. I don't like Tyra banks that much, but the thing with height is tht it's not up for her to decide. the whole point of the show is setting up future careers for these girls in a runway/fashion career and no runway show is going to hire a 4"11 model to do their shows. choosing a girl like that is just setting her up for disaster and a failed career. However, I know there have been girls on the shorter side that have done very well in the show. I don't remember their exact height though.  

  7. That's not discriminatory, that's realistic.  Runway and fashion models are tall women, that's how the designers make the clothing, that's what they use.  That's probably why you don't see many Asian girls on the show-they tend to be shorter, if just as gorgeous.

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