
U.F.C. What is our society coming to?

by  |  earlier

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I’ve tried watching this a few times, and it’s nothing more the BAR ROOM BRAWLING! Are we that hard up for entertainment?




  1. its not just bar room brawling.

    i love boxing and mma and ive seen some pretty crappy fights in both.

    dont hate what you clearly dont understand

  2. There is this wonderful invention for your TV set nowadays.  It allows you to change the station on the television without even getting off of your couch or out of your chair.  It is called a REMOTE CONTROL.  If you don't like what is on your television, you are able to watch something else!!!

  3. yer u no like the exsistential punching people right. you know where you punch person ins tomach then black hole appear den die yeah i heard bout it too but b*****s dont know bout mna existential punches ya know what if you exsistental punch a black hole? den who was died then? no one knows but yea entertainment =hamrufkl

  4. yes.

  5. I come from a boxing background but after training in MMA for a while, I found great respect for the sport. It combines many disciplines and is far more than a bar room brawl. You don't have to look far to see that there are many great fights where skill is involved instead of just brawn. You can defend boxing all you want, but the truth is: MMA caters to the ever more powerful group of youngsters aged 16-24 and they are far more loyal to the sport in terms of spending than older folks might ever hope to be about boxing. Unless true boxing fans start putting Reyes stickers on their car to counter the "Tapout" ones by MMA fans, and walk around with Arturo Gatti t-shirts, MMA will continue to be louder & better. You should try giving MMA another chance. Ignore the silly shows like TUF which are geared for the over-aggressive college kids. Go into a real MMA gym and watch pro fighters train. You'll see a level of training intensity, respect between fighters & trainers and fighter/trainers, and comaderie unlike that found in boxing gyms.

  6. there are 2 ways to look at it.

    on the boxing side....people want to see the mike tyson type demolitions and Arturo gatti wars

    on the mma side they want to see the stand up toe to toe hand battles....

    whatever is hot at the time.

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