
U.K. Its friday are you going for a drink tonight or is the "binge"your intention

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U.K. Its friday are you going for a drink tonight or is the "binge"your intention




  1. i get off work at 6pm, and gonna have a few glasses of wine and set in my hot tub until after dark.. My wife will love the attention too.  

  2. Nah, Im having a cheeky half bottle of wine with the hubby, so not too wild. Dont do that binge drinking anymore, am a mother of 2 kids now!

  3. I am going out for dinner tonight so intend to have a few glasses of wine with the meal but only binging on the food, not the alcohol, haha!

  4. Can't make up my mind what to do. Sunday is going to be a drinking day because we're going down the pub!

    Bt as for tonight...I haven't had a drink for a couple of weeks now and I'm REALLY looking forward to it. The common sense part of me says to wait until sunday, but I really fancy a few beers tonight...

  5. It's Saturday now and I didn't - I gave up that particular hobby many moons ago!

  6. Its going to be a binge,it was a very ruff week.

  7. Well, I normally work on Saturdays but I happen to have tomorrow off. So I will start with a glass of k**b Creek on ice and a fine cigar and see what happens from there.

  8. don't drink so guess neither

  9. h**l yea...It's my birthday Monday so this is my parting weekend...Leaving work early, will have my first drink of the day at 12:00 noon....

  10. Not me, I'm working a 14 hour shift (I am a staff Nurse) tomorrow!

  11. no, I am staying in and going to read a book. I prefer to go out on Saturdays

  12. i plan to go on a binge and walk out of a club at 6am and then go to the afterparty at another club til 4pm ooh it shall be very messy! hehe.

  13. too many people in the UK go out with the intention of getting hammered. It's a real binge drink culture. I myself don't ever have this intention. I go out and have a few drinks, but when i start feeling a little drunk, i just stop. Mainly because i get hangovers quite easily and quite horribly, so i can't be bothered with them. But i do get smashed about twice a year. Still that's much less of a binge than most people nowadays.

  14. A can't cos I'm in the scrubs till Nov. But yeah normally I'd go out get pissed, shagged and probably be up the duff again by tomorrow.


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