
U K aid to Georgia!!!!!!!?

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I have just flicked through the Yahoo news, and read that the U K are pledging 2 MILLION pounds in aid to Georgia, via the red cross.

What the bloody h**l is this government playing at.

The U K is on its knees at the momment, we are struggling to pay fuel bills, people cant get life saving drugs, houses getting repossesed, i could go on and on and on, suddenly, hey presto, TWO MILLION QUID appears out of the hat. What the h**l is this totally stupid, incompetent, waste of space government playing at now. ??????




  1. Hi!

    UK Government sent 2 million pounds to Georgia. But they forgot to mention that British Petroleum operates in Georgia, so that, really, all they do is give them 1 extra pence for every 100 litres of petrol crossing Georgia. Is nothing, really.

    I didn't know that 2 million pounds for a population of 65 million counts that much. Is 3 pence much?

  2. Playing on the world stage.

    But actually £2m is nothing is it?  Dont you get it?  The people of Georgia are on the streets, left with nothing.  You are quite happy in your centrally heated home, free from threat of war on this island, with over stuffed supermarkets selling anything you want - as I say, you are quite happy to sit there and just watch it on TV and say 'what a shame' are you?

    The day this island stops giving aid to the world will be a sad one, for small as we are, we make big impacts on the lives of those who are in need.

    Sure, it could be used at home - but dont let other people suffer for the sake of that eh?

  3. Its is two million pounds, not 2 billion. It is not going to make a l**k of difference in the UK. It won't even buy you a family home in West London.

    Not giving any money to the red cross to help NATO allies would cost far more than 2 million in good will.

  4. Now you know how Americans feel when we send BILLIONS in aid to countries we don't even know existed when our economy is going through a rough time.  

  5. i agree with you this is outrageous at a time like this. why no spend the money on  the UK citzens in need before a foreign nation.

    this brown playing at being a world leader and an imperial power broker. if Russia wanted to it could run over the UK just as fast. that money should be spent helping our own to survive first.

  6. If we didnt give 2 million pounds to Georgia, YOU or I wouldnt benefit from the money anyway, so dont begrudge innocent people our help.

    I have just had to down-grade my home, because im on a low-wage and couldnt afford to stay there anymore.

    I dont particularly like where im living at the moment, but at least no-one is trying to blow me up.

    Struggling to pay my bills is nothing compared to the h**l these people are suffering.

    Dont be selfish

  7. well... in Georgia its a lot worse and didnt u kno our government doesnt care about us, never have never will.

  8. There are people a lot worse off than us, don't be mean.

  9. I agree as well, not because I am uncharitable, but because Georgia started the conflict and caused the damage. Now so far, I can't quite figure out if the money is going to Georgian government or to the Red Cross to spend on the people.

    If it's via Red Cross for the people - thats fine.

    If it's for the Georgian government, whose leader has been involved in many corruption inquiries then I am against it.

  10. they are helping the less fortunate and your more worried about how much u will have to pay for taxes? oh my brings a tear to my eye

  11. i agree with you  

  12. We are one of the richest countries in the world. You are incredibly selfish to say we need money more than a country thats being conquered by a massive force of terror.

  13. I agree with you, Charity begins at home, this Country is on it's knees,

  14. Hotep,

    Welcome to the Congressional-Industrial-Military Complex.  This is when the military, parliament, and big business decide what is bloody important.  For their causes, there will always be money; even if the citizenry live in bloody squalor.

    Salaam, Shalom, Peace

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