
U K - where can I find out where my son can legally ride his mini motor bike?

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Do I approach my local council or Police station.




  1. in your kitchen!! Don't forget to put the extractor fan on!

  2. The local council should be able to help.

  3. Just ask a local farmer if he has some land he would be willing to let him ride on. I did and the farmer let me ride my mini moto all he asked was we ride on the outside so he could use the inside for horse feed.

    If you listen to what they say I'm sure you could come to some sort of agreement.

  4. I certainly wouldn't ask either the council or police - you need to speak to a landowner, the police take a very dim view of people riding mini motos around factory & trading estate car parks after hours, and you'll rarely get permission from the owner to do so due to liability worries.

  5. Only on private land with the owners permission, not likely to be given due to possible liability. You should have researched this before buying the bike.

  6. As you know, these things can only be ridden off the public highway, so you'll need to find either a business which has a car park which is empty after hours and where they're prepared to let him ride, or a farmer who is prepared to let him use a field.

    The local police station or the council may conceivably have an idea of someone who is prepared to do this, as undoubtedly they've been asked before, but they cannot give permission.  It's a private matter.

  7. On any private land with the landowner's permission.

  8. Yeh on private land with the owners permission.

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