
U.S Citizens "Americans" : What is a Revolution ? What was the American Revolution ? Are U a Revolutionary?

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U.S Citizens "Americans" : What is a Revolution ? What was the American Revolution ? Are U a Revolutionary?




  1. A revolution is a rotation, usually in a generic sense it implies 360 degrees (2 PI radians).  In a historical sense, it means a change usually brought about through unorthodox means, usually a revolt of some sort.  The American Revolution was when the Americans living here wanted to break away from Britan, and a war started over it.  I am not a revolutionary.

    Side note: according to the geometric definition of revolution, you end up in the same orientation you started with.  Kind of ironic that the same word would be used to describe an action that is meant to change the way things are :)

  2. The American Revolution was not something that happened over night.  The Spanish/American War put Britain into a lot of debt.  So, they decided to pass it onto the American's by passing Stamp Acts, Tea Acts, Sugar Acts, etc...all were taxes imposed by the Royal Gov't.  

    The American Colonists spurred by on Thomas Paine's Common Sense Journal's and (news media) Printers printing editorials and cartoons.  The colonists elected delegates that made up congress and they decided to meet in a central location for all Philadelphia.

    They labored for years on what to do with the growing tension with Great Britain.  (In the meantime, The Boston Massacre, Lexington and Concord happened)  The main problems were that America had no money, no authority to impose taxes, no allies, no food to feed the troops to arms or ammunition to arm the troops, no army, no navy, etc.  And the Loyalists who were loyal to Great Britain fought the Continental Army as well.

    It was really by luck that the Americans won.  The Continental Army lost most of their battles.  The American's pretty much wore down the British people who grew tired of the war and thought that the war would be over in 3 months time.

  3. A revolution, in political terms, is an uprising to overthrow an existing government. We did not do that in the period between 1775 and 1781. We fought a war for independence. At the conclusion of that war, King George III still reigned and the Parliament and government of Great Britain still existed. The American Revolution is found in  its eventual form of government and the existence of a charter of government which can be amended to redress wrongs. Since an election every two years can overturn and remove from office those representatives which we elected previously, one could say that the ballot gives us a method of ousting our government every two years. If I exercise that franchise to remove my representative, then one could call me a revolutionary.

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