In 1999, I had an arrest record for domestic violence charges. However, the District Attorney's office looked at the evidence and rejected the case. No charges were filed by my spouse or the court.
I had submitted the letter from District Attorney's office stating that no charges were filed along with N-400. I went into interview and passed the history and english test (100% score). However, the officer was confused by the wording on the letter by District Attorney, so he asked me to mail police clearance certificate from all cities I have lived in.
I went to the police stations of two cities Ihave lived in. I got a clean certificate from one and from other police station I got a certificate with my arrest record. I also went back to DA's office and got another letter that unambigously states that the case was rejected in 1999.
At this stage, shall I consult an immigration attorney or just submit the clearance certificates and modified letter from DA?