
U.S. Ecomomy, part time jobs, summer jobs?

by  |  earlier

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why cant i find a part time or summer job nobody were i live is hiring and it sucks. I know how to go and work the magic at interviews but the only offer i got was at a jack in the box and the only reason i didn't get that was there were like 6 other people who were older than me (im 17). So what should i do to make money.




  1. Cleaning, kitchenwork, packing, running errands, gardening, babysitting, newspaper delivery are some of the jobs available. These jobs will be posted in local newspapers and billboards. A better option is to work from home on your computer - write articles, sell on eBay, make a website, take surveys. In some cases, you may have to set up an account in your parents or guardians name, and ask them to pay you, after they get the money for your work. More details are available at

  2. Wow, where I live there are starter jobs everywhere. You can practically choose your area of interest, be it in restaurants, retail or the various service industries.

    I am even finding good technical and analyst jobs that are in the $50-70 range, and everyone is still driving their big SUV's and racking up the credit card debt. I am sure it will hit our area sometime, but the money is still moving at places. Perhaps you should eventually look at relocating, or finding an Internet gig to get your endeavors out of the local economy?

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