
U.S. Green Card Holder need Visa to travel to Europe?

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U.S. Green Card Holder need Visa to travel to Europe?

I'm a citizen of India but I have a green card and passport. I'm planning on going to Greece, Italy, France and England. Would I need to get a visa from each country or would an American Green Card suffice?

Any advice from people with past experiences regarding this topic would be greatly appreciated!




  1. Yes. Of course you do.

    An american green card allows you to use your indian passport to enter and leave as much as you want to and from america.. but other countries dont care about an american green card.. its AMERICAN.

    Unless you hold an american PASSPORT as well.. then you will need visas for those countries - as pretty much most countries want visas for Indian passport holders.

    The green card will probably help (because they know you live in America which may be percieved by Visa authorities as 'better' than living in India) but you will need to apply for visas for everywhere else.

    Sorry but yep. DEFINITELY

  2. You will need visa's;definitely for France and Italy, that is where I just went....the American Green card helped somewhat as I had to bring it to the embassies, I think it makes things easier!

    Find out from the British Embassy and the Greek one , you can go on their websites, they will tell you what you need!

    I had to bring my bank statements, proof of paid hotel res. it was all a bit of a hassle but doable !

  3. you will need a visa for Greece, France and Italy this visa it called shengen and you can travel with to any of the following country france italy greece the netherlands belgium spain protugal germany sweeden denmark and the européen countries like poland ...but for the UK YOU HAVE TO GET A ANOTHER VISA for the Visa shengen you can get it from any ambassy mentionned above beside the UK.

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