
U.S. Greyhound betting Racing Revenues

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Grehound betting generates allot of revenue, U.S government takes its share of profit from Grehound betting through taxes. I would like to have statistics of U.S. Greyhound betting Racing Revenues.




  1. U.S. Greyhound Racing Revenues

    According to International Gaming & Wagering Business (August 1995/1996), the U.S. gaming industry grew by 15% gross game revenues (less payouts/winnings) in 1994 and 11.4% in 1995. By comparison, live dog racing declined by 17.2% in 1994 and another 12.8% in 1995 - for a combined drop of 30%. Even with the addition of simultcasting and off-track betting, which have both shown growth through in relatively small dollar amounts, greyhound racing revenues dropped 4.2% in 1995.

    State Revenue Decline 1989-1994
    (in states where the number of dog tracks has remained the same).  State  

    % Change in Revenue
      State    % Change in Revenue
    Arizona   -27   Massachusetts   -68
    Arkansas   -37   New Hampshire   -75
    Colorado   -12   Oregon   -64
    Connecticut   -84   Rhode Island   -37
    Idaho   -14   West Virginia   -32
    Iowa   -77    

    Source:Track/state revenue analysis based on data published in the Greyhound Review

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