
U.S. Soliders Kill Themselves Faster than the Enemy can!?

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Why is this not on CNN and all over the place!?





  1. it has been. they've been all over cnn, msnbc, fox news and i don't how many others . these stories these stories started airing shortly after the ones detailing how walter reed medical center was in such shambles.

  2. if you are talking suicides you need to realize that these soldiers are doing and seeing things that the normal person can not even brother was in korea and vietnam and some of what he told us is awful..and these people have to live with brother killed himself with alcohol....he couldn't bear to remember some of this....

  3. Guess they find it hard to continue when they see the idiots in congress doing nothing.  It is a shame our people in the field do so much while the politicians roaming around Washington do so little.

  4. It's tough to get hard information on something like this. Obviously, the military authorities aren't going to go out of their way to get numbers out.

    These sorts of issues come up every time there's a war, and so in that sense it doesn't come up right away. However, the problems of the Vietnam vets in getting used to returning home received plenty of publicity after the fact (albeit in a much different climate in terms of attitudes toward the military). I'd expect that the issue would pop up even more as we go along.

  5. Simple - among many things it is covered up. Another war looming, administration & Pentagon officials would go to any length to lessen the impact of these grim statistics. Have you ever heard anything about injured veterans, or no of rapes in the army???

  6. That article was really sad. I feel terrible for the families and the soldiers. It's an all around lousy situation.

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