
U.S. Southerners: What were you taught in school about the Civil War? How different from Northern teachings?

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U.S. Southerners: What were you taught in school about the Civil War? How different from Northern teachings?




  1. I was basically taught that the majority of us were not fighting for slavery. We were fighting for states rights and freedom as we saw it. I now don't believe in that a hundred percent. A lot of poor southerners did have the dream of becoming rich slave owners. Same as a lot of today's yuppies dream of becoming a Bill Gates some day. But a lot others were basically caught in the middle between both sides. Especially in the states of the upper south. In cases like that which side taken often boiled down to which army was a bad experience first. At the same time I know that the majority of northerners were racists compared to thought today. Even Lincoln. The majority cared very little for slavery and a lot for preserving the union. We were even taught different names for it. The north always called it the Civil War or war between the states. The south still had teachers that taught the old terms as well. War of northern aggression, war for southern independence, second war of independence. At least they mentioned this and paid lip service to it....No it is not joking to people whose families went through the worst of it. It is still termed the war to them, as if it is the only American war.

  2. Still fighting that war?  Let's move on.  My Grandfather, who was a Confederate soldier did.  You read it right, my grandfather.

  3. We were taught the same Civil War as the folks up North were taught with the same textbooks.  Jokingly, we refer to it as "The War of Northern Aggression" but it's always joking.

  4. My father was assigned to Fort Polk, Louisiana from 1965 to 1969. I remember in the sixth grade my teacher told us "that General Lee was a fine Christian gentleman who did not drink or smoke, whereas Grant was a drunkard who used profane language and smoked nasty cheap cigars."

    Ever since that day Grant has been a hero of mine. And I have also been prejudiced against the "Christian gentlemen Lee"

    Actually this is the only time I can remember the Civil War being discussed in those 4 years. Of course we had the Eternal Flame to The Confederate war dead in front of the courthouse and the Daughters of the Confederacy made the local paper sometimes. It just wasn't taught much.

    By the way all my ancestors fought on the winning side.

  5. we were probably taught from the same text books as you, but the approved text books often do not tell the whole truth. it was the war of northern aggression (not joking). the south had every legal right to secede from the union what ever the reason was. but that was nearly 150 years ago and the pains of that war still run very deep through society. everyone will have an opinion on everything from who started it to will it happen again. and of course there are all of the what ifs. but to answer your question what we were taught was the South was wrong and the North is the pariah of morality and the lone savior of the world.

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