
U.S Troops Was Sent to Iraq on a 'task that is from God' Do YOu Believe That?

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do you believe that??




  1. YES.....Thank God the surge is working & we ARE defeating Terrorism.

    If we had listened to Obama who was AGAINST the surge we would NOT be defeating Terrorism.

    Oh, I'm Sorry......I forgot that Obama likes the Terrorists & wants to be their friend. I know Obama has politely  asked the Terrorists to play nicely & has told them that he MAY even hold his breath & throw a tantrum unless their behavior improves.

  2. They will even use GOD!  Now when the words in the bible points at them directly they will call you a heretic.  Something people should know in the bible it says if a man cannot take care of his family he should not be put in charge.

  3. Absolutely not. Why would a God that preeches love you neighbor want us to attack a nation that did nothing to provoke us?  

  4. The jihadists are fighting a religious war.  Iraq, at least after we attacked them, was full of jihadists.  The goal of jihadists is to make everyone a Muslim or die.  If you believe in God, then her statement is very relevant.

  5. absolutly not

    i belive america was sent to war by criminals who hijacked our govt.. and criminals who made this possible.

    i dont think america has been a democracy for quite a while..

    and wont be while cia/dibold/bush's are around.

    tell you what.. all these people who say god is on our side...

    who would god side with.. international looters.. invaders.. occupiers of countrys... or a starving hungry sick local population that is enslaved by their cia installed puppet dictatorship?

    you better hope god is not involved in this.. because if he is.. he's sure as h**l not on bush's side.

    the same people who rigged the elections to hijack our govt.. and install bush as a puppet dictator for 8 years.. flew the planes into the wtc/s..  one building didnt even get hit by a plane.. yet it suffered the dame demolition charge fate as the other two.  the neocons planned out 9/11 to have their modern day pearl harbor which allowed them to seize real power.. power beyond any provided by our democracy and constitution.  osama didnt benefit.. the arabs didnt benefit.. by 9/11.. bush and hte people who installed him did.. the same ones that control the media.. and keep you dumbed down.. the same ones who call the patriot act patriotic.. when all it does is recind the bill of rights... the same ones who call homeland security homeland security.. when all it is is a us gestapo.. with lists.. lists everyone is on.. everyone who is not in their gestapo is the enemy.  like america wasnt a police state BEFORE homeland security.. with the highest incarceration rate in the civilized world.

    if there is a god.. he's not on bush's side.. bush is a traitor.. and a murderer.. but he's not the real criminal.. he didnt rig those elections by himself.. he's not staying in power and avoiding impeachment by himself.. bush is just the puppet.. the figurehead.. to the real treason.

  6. The forces of good and evil (yes dark and light entities/angels) are ever fighting to bring the world to apocalypse.. mass death weaponry in the hands of nutcases is only one thing we should be on guard against.. another is the downfall of family  (thus societal) structure..

  7. This is why people say the majority of Americans are idiots.  Because we let comments like this just slide right on by.  How come the "leftist media" hasn't pointed this out to the public???  I still say eventually she will get ripped to shreds by people like Chris Matthews and the like...  If only my boy Tim Russert (RIP) were here.  He knew how to handle a "pit bull in lipstick".  Funny how the repubs are "keeping her away from the media circus".  She won't be able to run from comments like these for ever...  Just picture this for a second...

    Matthews: "Do you believe as you have said several times that the Iraq war is a task from God?"

    Palin: "_______________________________________...

    And just like clockwork someone immediately attacks Obama...  sad...

  8. "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

    Honestly I also pray it is part of God's plan why wouldn't someone hope that. Do you hope it isn't a part of God's plan and it was all only inspired by men?

  9. come on, GWB claimed from the beginning that he was following directions from a higher power. As she admits, she isn't that knowledgeable about Iraq but obviously has total and blind faith that GWB is doing the right thing. It's hard for me to understand how we are not looking at 4 more years of the same from a woman like this that's running with a man that has voted 95% with the current admin.

  10. No it isn't "in god's plan". If there was a "plan" that was being followed then all the bad stuff leading up to now would also have to be in it. I'm sure that if there were a god that there would be no wars etc cause why would he "plan" to create a life only to "plan" to have someone end that life unnecessarily? It's about time that people got to grips with the idea that we're just a screwed up species and stop pointing at a god and saying things are his doing when, in truth, it's all the work of man.

    Someone that spouts this "It's in god's plan" garbage to wage a war is right up there with the murderer that claims his dog told him to do it in my opinion.

  11. Do I, No. But im sure there are people who feel this is a religous war

    as well as a war of context. Islamic radicals caused the situation

    we are in right now. George Bush did not fly the Airplanes into the

    twin towers.. From that second on. the lives of the American people

    changed forever. I as  warrior, fight for the mission and the goal of

    the mission. It is my responsibility to perform my task to the best

    of my ability., I let those that want to play with the social and philosphic ends of this to there own ways. But I can see where there

    could be this thought involved.

  12. It's one of the scariest things I've ever heard.  

  13. the hypocrisy of the those repubs, they dont want people to abort babies/fetus' but its in God's plan to kill other living human beings in the name of OIL.  

  14. I didn't know people started referring to dubya as God.  Now that's a scary thought.

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