
U.S. citizens getting a Visa at the Brazilian embassy in Buenos Aires, AR?

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I am planning to go to Brazil in late July and I will of course need to get a Visa. Can U.S. citizens get this done at the Brazilian embassy here in Buenos Aires, AR, and also what would be the validity length of this Visa? I recall reading in a message forum that there is not a set validity length, and that different consulates in the US sometimes issue them for up to a year in validity instead of 90 days at no extra cost?




  1. The length of visa validity is generally based on bi-national reciprocity and your particular circumstances.  I recommend that you contact the embassy Consular Section for the correct information.

    Embassy of Brazil in Buenos Aires, Argentina      

    Cerrito 1350


    City: Buenos Aires

    Phone: (5411) 4515-2400

    Fax: (5411) 4515-2401

    Web Site:


  2. The validity that you are going to get depends on what goes in the embassador/ consul's mind. It might be ruled by too many applicants on a certain period of time (like high season) or if you fulfill certain requirements.

    I'd recommend you try to get your visa in advance of at least 1 month. You shouldn't have a problem doing it in BsAs because now Brazilians and Argentinians are allowed mutual residency. Good luck and enjoy your trip!

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