
U.S. global warming policy info?

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I'm looking for good sources in regards to researching the US global warming policy. The library takes forever and unfortunately I can't really go get books, but I can use the internet and find journals, government documents, etc. What would be some good leads to find information? For example, where could I find info about what the US is doing to limit greenhouse gases, whether tax bills are going to be used to alternative fuels, etc?





  1. I remember the US senate shot down the Kyoto protocol 95-0.

  2. hmmm now that i consider it, there is one idea which i have (could get pricey though) because of the conservation of energy, nothing on earth could cool itself down because we would need to put energy into pulling it out of the earth(if that made sense to you) so we take oxygen and nitrogen and launch it into space, letting it cool in space and then we take it back, releasing it into the air, making it cooler.

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