
U.S. progressives: how much abortion "choice" is too much?

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I am a progressive Democrat who accepts the "lesser of two evils" argument on abortion - up to a point. But when it comes to abortions in the second (let alone third) trimester, my calculus about which is the lesser evil begins to shift.

In Sweden, abortions are legal up to 18 weeks; after that, the woman needs permission from the health services, and generally only gets it if her life is threatened. The laws in Germany (16 weeks) and France (14 weeks) are even stricter. Yet the European left and center-left don't seem to be up in arms about these policies, maybe because they are coupled with easy access to birth control and a strong social safety net for women and children.

So why does it seem like support for the absolute "right to choose" has become a litmus test for progressives in this country? Why do I fear that my progressive and feminist friends will ostracize me just for having this opinion? (Or am I wrong about that?)




  1. You hit the nail on the head regarding "easy access to birth control and a strong social safety net for women and children."  It's actually become more expensive in recent years for women to obtain birth control, especially without insurance, and there is a very limited safety net with outrageous expensive child care and limited health care access.

    I get what you're saying and I agree.  My issue with the argument is that in the US we have a rather high rate of infant mortality for a developed nation.  When we can have all the wanted children live then we can focus more clearly on the abortion argument.

  2. I hate abortion with every fibre of my body

    However, I will not put my values on this issue on anyone.

    It is totally up to the individual, their maker and their conscience.

    Laws are not the answer.

    My Catholic friend, who goes to mass almost daily agrees with me 100%


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  3. In my state, it's 20 weeks that's reasonable unless it's medical. I didn't think any states allowed beyond that.

  4. Abortion is an industry, generating a lot of money, so no matter who is elected, abortion will always be permitted.

    Partial birth abortion, which Obama is all in favor of is our next "progressive" step. So just as long as we all have it straight, Pres. Obama would have no problem instituting a woman's "right" for partial birth abortions.

  5. ABortions are a womans choice and its a personal choice they need to make. God is the judge,let him do his job. Abortions will always be legal in this country.

    No matter if you like it or not.

    Women will find a way to get rid of an unwanted baby. Where are the stats on how many womwn stab themselves in the belly in those countries. Some people dont even know they are prego till 20 weeks... Wake up

    Youd rather people throwing babies in the trash...??

  6. As a traditional Republican (fiscal conservative/social libertarian) I believe in the people to make that choice, not the GOVERNMENT.  

    I don't always agree with what people do, e.g. third trimester abortions, but I am absolutely convinced that a woman facing that decision knows what is going on in her life better than I do and will make a better decision than I would.  Certainly, a better decision than a GOVERNMENT bureaucrat who is uninformed about the facts and, at the end of the day, could give a flying rat.

    Why is the absolute right to chose on the table: you either believe in the people or you believe in the government - you can't have both.

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