
U have got to read this!!!?

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I was sitting outside one day on the porch and i looked across the street only to see this BIG 6 year old girl get in her moms lap and pull her moms bra down pull her breast out and start sucking on it!!! What would you have done??!! Or what do you think??!!




  1. That's disgusting. Okay, 6 year old is way too old to be breastfeeding. Even if you do it in the privacy of your own home is one thing, but to do it on the porch is NASTY!  

  2. that's disgusting for her mum to let her do that her age! but it could be that she has some sort of difficulty/problem and needs to live of her mom's milk or it would help her in someway but apart from that it's DISGUSTING! and doing it in public aswell!

  3. uggghhh!!!!!!!!!! U gotta do it.

  4. Oh my dear God. I can not imagine being you and seeing that. I have never seen such a thing. What the heck? Do you know them? Maybe its worth a call to social services? That really sounds to be like some really sick form of child abuse. Oh my. So sorry you even had to witness that dear.

  5. legally she can do whatever she wants with her life and that of her childs. however it was disrespectful for her to do it where others may witness it. this is a personal scene and should not be done in public and yes I feel the same way with mothers nursing small children.

    I nursed two of my sons but it was always done in private so not to offend the public.

  6. That's just sick!  Poor you for having to see that.  I think the mother does it for her pleasure personally....  sounds disgusting but what other reason would she have?

  7. :rolleyes:

    If she's big, how do you know she was 6?  Are you personally acquainted with the family?  If so, why would this be surprising to you?

    Personally, as long as no one is harming anyone or forcing anyone to do anything against their will, I don't really care what people do to comfort each other in their relationships.  

  8. think it is time the mother quit breastfeeding. the child does not need it.. think it has got to be a sickness and might be some form of child abuse

  9. i would never let my kid do that...i think its kinda gross because shes so a thing to

  10. How gross!!!  I have a daughter that just turned 7 and I swear to God I couldn't imagine still breastfeeding her...  I think the government needs to draw the line somewhere between healthy breasfeeding and indecent activities with a child.  My b***s are only for my and my hubbys pleasure and EW, gross, Blah!!!

  11. I don't believe there is an age limit for breast feeding legally.  Therefore, there is nothing to be done, but for you to go back in the house until they are finished.

  12. wow, i stopped breast feeding a while back and my daughter is two!

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