
U like this poem?

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girls guys its all the same

pink sheets ona blow up bed

the air is deflating but there is no power to inflate

all we have is our breath whcich is tired from shoppinfg

what shall we do?

we are havinga sleepover for more than 2

a day of shopping is tiring

we need our rest for a new day tomorrow.......




  1. hahahhahahahahha

    this reaaaalllyyy sux

  2. What's its name?

  3. uhhhhhh O.O wow............. umm im not gonna be rude like everyone else but i am going to say...wheres the rhyming?? maybe read some poetry online. its ok everyone needs practice. im sure EVERYONE has a not so good poem that they first wrote that theyre hiding under their bed......

  4. it's ok, kinda cutezy...needs more spunk. Go deep or funny that will draw the attention of readers in lost me after "shopping."

  5. its good except for the few spelling errors. You should try to put more purpose into it. Its kind of flat. And really pointless to write about but its still cool that your expressing yourself through poem! :)

    Hope this kind of helped? :)

  6. whaaaaa?!?!?!

    um...wat r u, like, 6?

  7. uuuuuh...

  8. This poem is really fantastic

  9. uhmm eekk i love poetry

    i can send you some i wrote

    but idkk

  10. excellent with theme and thought

  11. wow this kinda sucks

  12. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! Get off the stage !

  13. call it Free Prose Poems.

  14. this is a good poeme for teenagers and young people

    most poems are mostly old peopleish and you dont understand eny of it

    but this is realy good

    keep on doing this kinda stuff

  15. wat??? r u okay??
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