
U think all those people will stay in new orleans again?.and then blame the government for not leaving again?

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U think all those people will stay in new orleans again?.and then blame the government for not leaving again?




  1. nooo #1 im leaving #2 jindal knows what hes doing

    5 days ago jindal and louisiana where ready...there no excuses this time..if people dont leave its there own god dman fault

  2. Yeah.

  3. Ya'll dont no what ya'll talking bout!!!!!

    Ya'll always got something smart to say!!!!

  4. It depends if any buses will be provided to help get people out of N.O.!

  5. somehow it'll be republicans fault again that they didn't evacuate and that mother nature formed a storm...  stupid...     Anyways I think people will get out this time. I can't imagine anyone sticking around for a Cat 3 after katrina...

  6. A blogger in New Orleans wrote that a lot of people he's run into are planning to stay, and they're buying guns to protect themselves and their property from the looters.

    And yep, even though they've been announcing since Tuesday that this storm would hit New Orleans, somehow it will still be George Bush's fault that not everyone got out.  

  7. As nature will have it hurricanes don't have eyes and it has a mind of its own. But if people didn't learn the last time then so be it. And you can't blame the government for ignorance and stupidity.

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