
UA's setup by parents?

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can randomn, in-home UA's (administered by local police) be initiated by a parent/gaurdian/homeowner - at will - for family members residing in their home?




  1. I'm not sure, but I like the idea. It might catch kids with drug issues earlier before they end up in the legal system with all kinds of charges. I would think if  the parents had the right connections it would be fairly easily to have the police help. After all in the end it could make their job easier.

  2. no, its unconstitutional unreasonable search and seazure a violation of your fourth ammendment rights, your parents can be pissed but if the pigs try **** tell them to **** off and quote the constitution, if they do it any way threaten them with a civil suit for wrongfull restraint. then sue the city you'll win, because they'll settle outside of court.

  3. Can they? ... You betcha! (You ask specifically about urine testing, but if it were a hair test they could even do it without the consent or knowlege of the person being tested.)

    Is it legal? ... Maybe...depending mostly upon the age of the person being tested (are they a child, a minor, or a legal adult living in the household?) and the reason behind such testing (Is the person being tested on probation for a drug offense, or something similar?).  

    Is it LIKELY to happen? ... I very seriously doubt it! It seems unlikely because of the "administered by the police" part of the question. I understand that when it's YOUR life and YOUR family member struggling with either side of addiction, it is extremely important to you. However, I think it's gonna be tough to find taxpayers who think their crime-fighting money is best spent by sending a cop with a collection cup to someone's house everytime Mom thinks the kiddos are acting weird! Even in a town with abundant police staffing, funding and low crime, it just doesn't make sense financially or politically to employ this kind of strategy.

    Especially when you take into consideration the liability for potential specimen contamination and/or mishandling. Any defense lawyer could easily create enough reasonable doubt around the results of a test like you describe to have damaging evidence thrown out in  a courtroom setting.

    It seems more plausible that the parents/guardian and/or the police might bluff & TELL this to someone they suspect is using drugs to try to scare them into quitting. If I am wrong here & they are not bluffing, take it  all the way to jury trial!

  4. I know a girl who was caught with marijuana and her parents called the county courthouse and asked her to be tested regularly and she now has a "color", much like kids who are put on diversion/probation.  She can be called in and drug tested at anytime.

    So yes it is possible.

  5. Only if the person being tested is under 18 years of age.  If you are over 18 you do not have to do it, but be prepared to be asked to leave if you refuse.

  6. yes they can
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