
UAE Visa Cancellation, Company demanding Dhs 10000 for visa cancellation ?

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I am submitting my resign letter on 13/08/08, I am working this company hardly 11 months only. company demands Dhs 10000 to cancel my visa. I need to urgently go back to india since I have some serious family problems. according to the UAE labour law, do i have to pay the money? can the company cause me any trouble?




  1. Can anyone help me? I work in Abu Dhabi for 16 months as a domestic helper,but im using a company visa."receptionist clerk".My employer send me last December 2010 in my home country Philippines for vacation.When i got in my country i decided not to go back to the same job i had in there,they don't give me the right salary,and im not working on the same job i signed on the contract.I just wan't to know if i can still go back to UAE to work and how will i know that my visa is already cancel?

  2. no rule for payment 10000aed to company

  3. i am working in a security company in uae so this july finish my second visa. But i try to change visa to another company i dont like renew visa. I want know   service  money pay details

  4. Im working for almost 3 months under unlimited contract with my current employer now then I want to resign from him. It is possible that I can transfer sponsorship?

  5. PLEASE help me,
                    I have signed a five year contract with the free zone company , now 2 years got over and i have signed a contract of 5 years with the company , now i want to go back to india , now company is asking for compensation they are telling that i have sgned a contract which states that i have to pay any compensation company askes , can i no how much compensation i will have to pay , please please please help me

  6. i m working in company in Dubai as a project engineer by last 16 months but due to some domestic problems i want to cancel my visa,what procedure i have to follow for that.Do i have the right for gruidity and leave salary etc?

  7. i have 3 year visa, i completed 1 year, i have another 2 year valed visa,(my company and owner ,pro) all run away .i go and saw nobody is not there,now i got new job, new company want's NOC and cancellation the old visa , how can will do this

  8. what is the  patner visa canciloation rulw?

  9. Iam working in salesman job till before 2 years and i want 2 cancel my viza before 01/08/2010 i inform to company but he said u finish your viza then u go basicly i have some family problems in india so there is any processor he cancel my viza immediately please inform me iam very confusion

  10. my labour contact is limited and im finish my three year job period now my visa is automatic cancell or i want cancellation from company

  11. I am working in a private company .my visa status limited .I have completed three months.I got job in public joint sector. what is the procedurefor joining there? I am ready to pay the expenses incurred for the visa.

  12. i got already visa cancellation latter but third party want a labour card cancellation proof latter also. when i went my present company for this complaint they said now immigration giving only one papper there is both things visa and labour card cancellation proof.
                    so please tell me now is this posible or not because i switch to other company and they want this laobour card cancellation if i will not giving this they can not apply for a new visa as per them.
    please reply me soon i am waiting for your good response.
    i am very thankfull to you

  13. i m working in IT Company as a salesman since sep 2007 till date but i want to leave the company and wanted to go india.
    but company is asking me to stay until contract has been not finished, is their dubai law asking to finish the contract or i can go now???????????
    ppppllllllzzzzz let me know.

  14. I am working in UAe(Al Ain) on serive visa which is renewed up to 20 Feb 2009.I want to leave UAE before the date. My company told me that thay will bane my further employment in UAE. It's possible? If they bane- How long after I can come back?or How much the penality I have to pay?
    How I can know,they baned or not?

  15. I have a query.... if anyone can help me please.

    Three months back I went to visit dubai for 3 months on Visit Visa. In between this Visiting time I got a job offer and I signed an offer letter too, and I gave them all my documents copies, but just within few weeks, I got another very good job opportunity so I informed this employer by an emailed my & spoke to him face to face concenring this.

    He agreed that I can go if I will replace myself therefore within two I hired a person for him and then I left. Then after few days this employer called me and asked my passport copy to cancel my case from immigration which I sent him via email. At that time I was on visit visa.

    Then bfor the expiry of my Visit Visa I came back to Pakistan. Then after 3 months, now I again applied for Visit Visa but the objection came from Immigration Dept. that some company already processed my employment visa which has expired so I need to cancel it first therfore I contacted to my previous employer and asked them to cancel it but he DENIED and he asked me 15000 dhs. as my visa cost, this is shocking for me as I am financially very weak and have had no work for last 8 months, this situation is so much teasing for me.

    I contacted with one of the person who is working as a PRO in Dubai. he checked online and said the company took only labour Approval which must have expired by 16th July 2009. Even he told me my new Labour Approval No. 39889971 (which has expired)...But Now i can't go to dubai to handle my case and have no money to pay to employer, how can I resolve this problem??

    Then I put my complaint on e-complaint system DNRD (Dubai Govt) so the reply I got:

    Dear Customer, We would like first of all to thank you for your complaint Totally, we agree with yourself according to the no response from our call center representatives, we are pleased to inform you that Let the PRO of the new company that you will work in their company to cancel your old visa by making a letter from any typing center and then they have to go to ( section 14 complaining section ) and they will cancel your old visa. Thank you for your complaint because we believe that complaints which coming from our customers is a gift for us to improve efficiency and effectiveness as well.. Best Regards. DNRD-DUBAI

    Now I am stuck as I don't have any job or I don't know any PRO who can help me. How can I resolve this issue ? can any1 help me?? Many thanks.
    Best Regards.

  16. i had the same problem !!! i would advice you to contact dubai immigration as it is against the law for your company to hold your passport, but the company can apply these fees if they think you wil not return as they have paid for your visa to be processed

  17. Sorry for long message
    My service terminated on a dispute (ethical concern) in 2005 after serving for 30 years with a company situated in Free Zone Area (Jebel Ali).  My ex-employer gave me 7 days for visa cancellation and asked me to leave Dubai.  My request for an extension for two months stay was rejected.  I wanted sponsorship change from mine to university.  I left my two university going children in Dubai so they can sit for their exam and I left Dubai with my wife and other children after cancelling their visas. I intended to come back to settle and dispose of personal belonging (house and others) and organize visa change for my children.  After my exit from Dubai within one month after my service ended, my ex-employer reported me as absconder.
    I have been chasing up with my ex employer for visa cancellation but they are saying that they cannot do anything.  They suggest me to visit JAFZA authorities to get things organized.  How I can visit when I can re-enter Dubai without visa cancellation.  They said they cannot cooperate me to lift the ban.
    I wish to ask how my visa can be cancelled and ban lifted.  I do not have desire to take a job or travel Dubai but I want my visa cancellation regularize.

  18. dear sir
    if you want to remove labour ban and you dont have NOC i can do it for you just send me your detail and i will tell you how much it will cost and i will not take any money tell i finish the work and this is my Emai.

  19. I am working in a consraction company .my visa status limited .I completed one year .I get govt job .what is the procedure ? resignation letter how days before sent.I will ready to pay company compastion

  20. I am working in a constrction company .my visa status limited.Iam compleated one year .I will go to home cuntry imeditealy ,what is the procedure ?

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