
UC requirements? Bad sat much should i volunteer? What are probably the three worst UCs?

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Im planning to go to a UC in the fall of 2009 but I dont think I have the requirements. I have a overall highschool gpa of about 3.9 weighted but my sat score is only a 1640. I have only done like 10 hours of volunteering but im planning to do more in the next 2 months before i turn in my apllications. haha, hopefully. Im just wondering whats a good amount of volunteer hours and what else should i do to raise my chances of going to a decent UC. How likely am i to get in lets say UCI?




  1. I think both of the first two people to answer your question have some truth to their answers.

    Your SAT score is extremely low, though. Even though the UCs aren't the Ivy Leagues, they're still very competitive schools. To get into the Ivy Leagues, you virtually need to have a flawless resume, usually including research, awards, honors, overseas volunteer work, leadership, etc. If you are really relying on volunteer hours, 10 hours of volunteering is not enough for anything, even for the worst of the UCs. If you had time, I would say try for 200. But I doubt anyone could accomplish that (and it has to be meaningful volunteer hours).  

    You might want to consider retaking your SATs this fall and doing a lot of prep work for it. And, you also need those 2 SAT Subject tests if you haven't taken them yet. And, yes, your college essays need to be beyond fantastic; like it needs to make the admissions officer reading them cry. (JK, but they do need to be really good)

    Unless you have some excellent leadership, extracurriculars or athletic accomplishments to accompany that 3.9 GPA, I have to agree that it's kind of low. Of course, colleges compare your high school's profile with your transcript. So, if your school doesn't offer many APs or IBs or weighted honors classes, a 3.9 might be considered good. It all really depends. They want to see that you're taking the most rigorous courses available at your school.

    UCI does require something around 1800. I think you should definitely apply, but look at some back ups as well. If you live near Irvine, maybe try Cal State Fullerton and Chapman. Merced and Riverside rank lower than Irvine, so may be try those as well. I think you have as much of a shot as the next guy. Your GPA isn't as low as some may make it out to be. It's all about presentation in your resume and essays at this point.

    Good luck!

  2. While your score is low for UCI, I've seen plenty of kids with similar stats get in. Forget more volunteer hours, your time needs to be spent crafting a brilliant essay. It can make all the difference for a candidate with your score.

    As for the guy who posted worried about UCSD with a 2250, I think he's confused. UC's are not the ivy league and they will accept pretty much anyone with a good GPA with that score.

    It's myth the UC's are very hard to get into. They have a one dimensional applicant pool of kids from one of the worst school system's in the Country, CA public high schools. Low SAT scores abound!

    The easiest UCs to get into are Merced, Riverside and UCSC.

  3. it will be hard for u to get into a good uc school, sorry, ur SAT score is really low, very low, i got a 2250 and im still worried about UCSD apps, and ur gpa isnt high enough, u need above 4.0, mine is 4.8, and ur subject tests are important too. u dont have many volunteer hours or time to get many b4 college apps are due. uv been a slackin, sorry but true. ur chances are not good, UCI even expects a SAT avg in the high 1800's.

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