
UCA camp 2008?

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I'm going to cheer camp at the end of july and have some questions about how camp is.

1. What is the staff like?

2. Is the dance hard to learn?

3. How are the dorms?

4. Is the 9a-9p schedule overwhelming or hectic?

5. What are some things you should bring?

6. How was your personal experience this year?

7. How is camp overall?

Thank You so much for answering and reading this!!




  1. well, i went 2 the UDA one, which is almost the same as the UCA one. just dance.

    -the staff is reallii nice && helpfull. ask them anything u need. theyr A LOT of fun.

    -the dances,, well it depends. if ur able 2 catch on quick, itz way easier. but they normally hav repeats in them soo u dont have 2 remember as much. just ask them && they WIL help u.

    -the dorms are just like any college dorms. kinda like staying in a hotel. it kinda depends on where ur camp is located. they can be nice,, but sumtimes not as great. one year i had a dorm that smelled TERRIBLE. hopefully that wont happen 2 u.

    -the schedule is reallii hectic. but its otay. ull get the hang of it after the first few days. ull hav 2 get up early, eat breakfast. from there your coach will help u 2 get 2 wut dance u are doing. then ull have lunch && later dinner && stuff. its kool.

    -u should bring anything u would normally bring w.e u ar going 2 a friends or hotel like a toothbrush. && stuff 2 dance in, maybe things ur coach [[ if u hav 1 ]] tell u 2 bring. a water bottle. stuff like that.

    -mii personal experience wuz amazing. it wuz definately sumthing i would luv 2 go back 2, but of course i went w. a team. andoverall its REALLII exciting.

    sum bonus info that should b good 2 kno::

    -ull have an a routine, b routine, c routine, && an extra fun routine thats not serious. the last day is an evaluation. they will onli judge u on

    1. how well u kno the routine

    2. how well u are performing && smiling

    3. if ur watching other ppl,, u shouldnt.

    -theres a TON of fun games they play. the staff make it real fun. trust mii ull love it.

    -one more thing,, be responsible. bring anything u would need 2 the practice things. be nice 2 the staff. they take their time && ar reallii kind && helful soo they dont deserve disrespect. && if u leave anything behind,, they will find it && make u do sumin embarassing 2 get it back. soo Remember ur stuf!!

    hav fuN! hope i helped!!

  2. 1-

    The camp staff that i had was amazinggg! We played games alot at first to get introduced to the other sqauds and the staff was really funny and helpful when it came to the material.


    The dance was a little tricky for me because this is my first year as a cheerleader and by the 2nd day i was pooped! But i kept going and now i got it. Just don't give up keep smiling and rememeber you have 4 days to learn it untill camp champs.


    My squad didnt have dorms we were in a hotel which was pretty nice haha. I'm guess the dorms that you'll have will be nice as well.


    The schedule wasn't hetic at all for us. We all got up at around 6:30 or 7ish and ate breakfast and arrived and ready to go atleast  5 mintues prior to when they say to come, "If we say be here at 8:30 that really means to be here at 8:25". Then we had cheer class, stunt class, jump class and dance class...i believe that was all.We stayed there untill around 11:30 and we had a break from 12:00 to about 6:00. Then we ate dinner, oh and obviously lunch in between. Then it was practice/review from 7:00 to 9:00. Sleep. Repeat.  Haha on the first morning there i was really groggy but i got used to it. Oh and as much as you probably would like to stay up every night hanging out with your friends, i know this is going to be hard but try to go to bed early, believe me, it helps alot. Also make sure to have ALOTTTT of spirit so you can get the banana and bring it home and don't drop the sprit stick (:


    Basically bring your daily nescities, toothbrush, shower gel, deoderant etc. Depending on where you stay you may need sheets and blankets, talk to your coach and see what she says.


    Like i already said this was my first year and i absolutley loved it! When you look past the countless hours of practicing and the tears of frustration and the groggy early mornings, this probably was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to meet other girls from other squads from many other locations and get a chance to see them in action. You learn new dances cheers and stunts and you get to bond as a squad. I can't wait to go again next year. I hope you have an amazing time, I waited for this for a long time and you probably did too so make the most of it because those 4 days literally fly by so fast! Oh and on the 3rd day you might get ice cream!


    ** By the way, you learn alot of cheers and like 3 or 4 dances and if you don't catch on fast, like myself, try to concentrate on getting the extreme routine and the extreme cheer before anything because these are the ones you are evaulated on [i think it's called that] and then if you can learn the other ones as well.


    hahaha ignore my spelling errors...the spell check isn't working for some reason...
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