
UCAS university application / Clearing ?

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I applied to go to university this year via UCAS. I know we are now well into clearing and it is reaching late August but I still don't (dunno) have a place. Here is why...

You can apply for up to 5 uni's - and have to decline 3 offers leaving you a firm acceptance to one offer and an insurance acceptance to another - My insurance offer now after my results has been Unsuccessful (updated on 11-Aug-2008) - but my firm acceptance has still not had any change (updated on 19-Mar-2008) - however this is also was a conditional place and I narrowly missed the requirements (but I have heard the sometimes still let you in) - but this has not been updated- and has been left very late - so if I don't get this place - It's near the end of clearing so It will be hard to get a place at a decent nearby Uni - Should I phone the University and ask whats going on or should I leave it a bit longer - also should this not have been updated by now - and if I am unsuccessful with this place whats my chance of getting a place now... PS this is what it says for the place I want... Decision = Conditional, your reply = Firm, Updated = 19-Mar-2008. Thanks for any answers in advance - kinda panicking now.




  1. I would give them a call, and then another the next day, it does not hurt to be persistent and the more you talk to them they more serious they know you are about the school.

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