
UCI officially disqualifies Lance Armstrong's from all the results after July 1998

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UCI officially disqualifies Lance Armstrong's from all the results after July 1998
Lance Armstrong has now officially been stripped-off all his Tour de France victories and all other professional results after July 1998 as announced by UCI earlier today.
The firm also stated that the cyclist now has three weeks to appeal against the decision at the Court of Arbitration for Sport, in case he has any objections with the decision.
“Lance Armstrong’s lawyer was notified on 6th December that all his results since 1st August 1998 were nullified. He has 21 days to appeal,” UCI spokesman Enrico Carpani told the Reuters news agency.
“The IOC today will not move because we need to have the situation whereby the UCI notifies officially Mr. Armstrong of the fact that he will be disqualified and declared ineligible and that he should hand over his medal,” IOC President Jacques Rogge said
on December 5.
“When he will be notified Mr Armstrong will have 21 days to launch an appeal. It is only after that period that the IOC can legally take action”.
The UCI actions stems from the USADA’s detailed investigation into the American, proving him guilty of doping and also involving other cyclists in the use of performance enhancing drugs to achieve the desired results for more than a decade.
The cyclist was tested several times, but his team of doctors helping him dope before the race was either more talented than that of UCI or he had his rats working in the department that let him bypass the system every single time.
However, USADA’s showed UCI and the world that no matter how smart one might be, there are always more than one ways of catching the culprits as it proved by making 26 cyclists confess to doping and testifying against Armstrong.
Eleven out of the 26 cyclists that testified against Lance were his former teammates including, Frankie Andreu, Michael Barry, Tom Danielson, Tyler Hamilton, George Hincapie, Floyd Landis, Levi Leipheimer, Stephen Swart, Christian Vande Velde, Jonathan Vaughters
and David Zabriskie.
The proof was enough to bring the American down for the count and all his previous victories including seven overall victories at the Tour de France are now nothing more than a dream that is just vanished along with all the respect that he earned with use
of doping throughout his professional career.



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