
UCLA - Chance to get in? ?

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UCLA is my absolute dream school. I have done tons of research on the school and I would be disappointed to go anywhere else. I live in Miami, and go to a recognized public school that is on U.S. World & News top 100 list, and some alumni from my school have been accepted to UCLA, so at least I know it's possible from where I come from. I'm a junior (7th day of school) and my unweighted GPA from halfway through last year was a 3.364, but I'm sure it's gone up since then but I don't have my report card with the more accurate info. My weighted GPA is a 4.045, and that's just with taking 1 AP (European History, in which I received a 5 on the exam), I'm taking 3 AP's this year, and I plan on taking either 4 or 5 my senior year. I'm historian of the Leo club at my school and I plan on moving up in rank my senior year to hopefully Vice President, I don't play any sports, but I have a lot of community service hours due to membership in the Leo club. This summer, I will probably volunteer at YMCA and/or PetSupermarket, so I can have more community service hours. I plan on joining the National Honor Society for English, Social Studies, and possibly Italian. Also, I am planning on joining more clubs this year. I consider myself to be an excellent writer, so I am very confident that I will have a solid entrance essay. I have not taken the SAT's yet, though I plan on taking them soon - probably in November - December, but I need ample time for SAT tutoring.

I know I can get my GPA's up due to the amount of AP's & Honors courses I will be taking. Also, I'm in my second year of taking Italian, and I'm not sure if I should go on to take it a third year, I know it is recommended, but will it really increase my chances of getting in?





  1. Check out the web site at <>, which should answer some of your questions.  

  2. i just posted this on someone else's question but it applies.

    You have to remember that there is also more to a person that just grades. After you get into college, your HS grades don't matter at all. It's a sad truth that after so much work it just serves as a key and nothing else.

    It also depends on your personal statements of course. They want to see that you are wellrounded and not just a brainy student. They want to see your passion for learning and your eagerness to contribute something to the campus and not just become another kid that gets good grades. It is defnitely possible.

    I personally got into UCLA with poor SATs and a 3.9 GPA beating out a mojority of kids with 5.0s and stuff.

  3. UCLA and schools like that are looking for well rounded people and you like it. It isn't all about GPA, it includes

    1) leadership

    2) work (pay or volunteer)

    3) working with other

    4) what do you bring to the table

    AP classes are good their is more to it than that

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