
UCLA Dickyboy?

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UCLA Dickyboy?

Hello I am mighty Japanese man who knows both Karate and Judo and who opposes uselss muscule building.

Anyway, I have a question about Asians....

I attended UCLA for a year as an exchange student from my Univ in Japan, One thing I noticed about Non-East Asians in the USA is that they can be grouped into three type.

1.the person who is super friendly to east asians

2.the person who afraid of talking with east asians

3.the person who has mental block against east asians

agree or not.

If you agree,,,, or disagree please please tell me why .

explain please.




  1. totally disagree. first of all,  you only been to ucla for 1 year so its like you met every asian from the usa. Your discriminating on asians in the USA (even though you yourself is an asian). Not eveyrone is the same and you should know that. I'm sure not all japanese exchange students are the same. I grew up here in the US and im korean, i met so many asians growing up and the thing you "notice" is totally pissing me off cuz its not true and you keep making assumptions

  2. what a d**k.....yboy.
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