
UCSB appeal granted when i didnt even appeal?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I got into UCSB but was later withdrawn last week because I made a mistake and entered a a different grade then that shown on my application. I called and explained to them my mistake and they told me I can appeal but there is almost no chance of me being welcomed back. However, today I checked my status page, and under "your admission summary" it says my appeal was granted....

I never appealed!!!

Does this mean I am back in?




  1. I'm guessing you're not going to hold inconsistency in explanations against  the Admissions Dept?  

    Sometimes, the appeal process is automatic.  It's just means someone else reviews your case as SOP > Standard Operating Procedure.

    Enjoy & best of luck.

  2. Call admissions. UC's make mistakes with admissions stuff- I went to Davis so I've seen it. Find out for sure so you're not guessing.

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