
UFC favorite fighter and fights you would like to see happen?

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brock lesnar is my favorite fighter because he a country man like myself he likes to fish and lives way out in the middle of the country.

fights i like to see happen

thiago silva vs lyto machita for lhw title shot

well both fighters are undefeated and have beat some strong oppentents the winner of this should get a title shot.

brock lesnar vs andrei arvoloski

two big men that like to slug this would be a great fight.

kimbo slice vs brock lesnar

lesnar would destroy kimbo simply because hes bigger,stronger and tougher thats why he fights in the ufc which kimbo doesent but it still be fun to watch.

anderson silva vs brock lesnar

well diffrent weight classes but it would be fun to watch silva looks unbeatable but would get destroyed by lesnar because lesnar is just way to much stronger and bigger silva could not damage lesnar and lesnars hits would eat silva up.

fedor emilenkeo vs rampage

rampage would get destoyed by fedor but it would be fun to watch.




  1. rampage vs cro cop

  2. you idiot kimbo would be killed by lesnar thats why kimbo is not in the think lesnar would beat arvolski but not slice you are retarded both lesnar and arvoloski would knock out slice with ease.that is why kimbo is in the weak fighting division and lesnar and arvolski are in the toughest ufc.and rampage lost to forrest griffin and you really think he could beat fedor you really are a idiot man.fedor is a weight class above rampage fedor destroys everyone in that weight class and he will defintly destoy someone in a weight class below him he is undefeated and rampage who was destroyed by wanderlai silva and is very much less talented and not as tough as fedor would not be the man to beat him.

  3. My favorite fighter is Matt Hughes. I love to watch Spencer Fisher. I would love to see a fight between Fisher and Franklin. I think that would be great. Technique versus improv.

  4. Brock lesnar is probaly ur favorite ufc fighter cause u watch wrestling like me all though i do like brock i like tito ortiz.

    silva vs. machita= silva

    lesnar vs arvolski= brock lesnar by a long shot

    kimbo vs brock= kimbo cause he would kick lesnars butt

    silva vs lesnar=   cant decide different weight

    emilenko vs rampage= jackson by far

  5. Anderson Silva v Chuck Liddell

    Any upper tier heavyweight v Slice, just to shut the slice fans up.

  6. ya slice defently sucks thats why hes not in the ufc brock would destroy him.

  7. Machida v Anderson Silva

  8. -matt hughes vs matt serra: I think a good retirement fight for hughes, especially if they would host an even in the midwest again, I think he deserves it.

    -Anderson Silva vs. Yushin Okami: While I dont forsee Silva having any problems dominating this fight, I think Okami took the easy way out of the first fight and took the win by DQ. Silva has said he was upset by this so Id love to see him KO him (legally this time of course)

    -BJ Penn vs GSP: It looks like Penn may actually be focusing on conditioning now, and with his controversial decision loss in their first fight, this looks like a great matchup again. Only problem is Penn would have to move up in weight again and he seems to be much crisper at 155.

    -Kenny Florian vs BJ Penn: Looks to be a great fight if it ever happens, though Tyson looks to be next in line.

    Heavyweights - I cant say that anyone catches my eye in the heavyweight division. Personally I like the lighter weights as they have a lot more fast paced action. I dunno just my opinion...

    Fights I DONT want to see...

    -Patrick Cote vs Anderson Silva: are you ******* KIDDING ME? Ive got nothing against Cote, but seriously, he doesnt need to be in the same sentence with Silva. If the middleweight division is that bare, keep Silva at light heavyweight or drop him to welterweight.

    -Machida vs anyone: Im sorry I know hes talented and he knocked out Franklin but his ufc fights have been soooo boring. Hes got to engage more or hes going to get caught with somthing. My only hope is that he will get submitted while trying to cruise to another decision and will wake up and start finishing fights a la silva post his chonan loss.

    Kimbo: God I dont want to ever hear his name unless its followed by "sucks". If you want to find out if someone knows anything about mma or is a dumbass jumping on the bandwagon just ask them their opionion of kimbo and you'll know pretty quick.

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