
UFC "shocker" Rampage Griffin Ultimate Fighter Series. Who is getting kicked out of the UFC?

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I saw a promo about this with Dana saying something like "He's gone. He's out of the UFC," after watching a couple of limos on a monitor. This was last week - June 11, 2008. It LOOKED like it might be the stupid kid that is supposed to be fighting in the finals against either CB or Amir.




  1. The FACT of the matter is, NOONE knows. Don't listen to the rumors, because they aren't true. You will see tomorrow and then you will understand. Just make sure you watch tomorrow.

  2. Jesse Taylor I guess

  3. On sherdog forum, I saw people looked up the court records and there was an incident with Jessie Taylor and a limo driver. Jessie will be kicked off.

  4. I am pretty sure it is Jesse Taylor but arent we all gonna feel like some dumba** if it isn't!

  5. It is definitely Jess Taylor that gets kicked off.  He broke 2 windows out of the limo and Dana banned him from he UFC.

    CB Dolloway and Amir fight  - Tim Credeur gets called back to fight the winner of CB/Amir.

  6. By how they ended the episode, saying "he" is going to be kicked off the finale and out of the UFC, they are indicating that it could be anyone in the house.  I don't think its Jesse Taylor because that just seems too obvious.  I was thinking it would be one of the fighters we aren't expecting.

  7. It is Jesse and i heard that CB and amir fight again, but in the first meeting amir beat cb so take it for what it's worth

  8. well i was looking for spoilers the other week when i thought logically that it was most likely even though the other guys post about court records seems doesnt come as a suprise, i had a feeling it was gonna be him...

  9. CB and Amir rematch at the tuf finale.. Jesse gets stupid drunk again and gets kicked off.

  10. I kind of hope it is Jesse Taylor.  everyone on the show keeps talking about how Jeremy May is everything that MMA has worked so hard to overcome.  But I think that Jesse is a total knuckle dragging dumbass.  He said, as soon as he got into his dressing room after his victory against Tim, "I'm gonna get wasted tonight."  Great....super annoying Jesse gets wasted again.  I honestly think that Jesse is the only one stupid enough to not realize that he could throw away an entire carrer by getting wasted and kicking the window out of a limo....I can hardly wait to see this in action.

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