
UFC training?

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I am looking for any information on the typical training of a UFC fighter. Like what they do each day, what they eat, etc.





  1. You might wanna try BOXING

    Its a start to what your gonna be doing

    ...though UFC is mostly some-what like street fighting

    Just to let you know, hope you have some street fighting skills,

    your gonna need it!

  2. I have practiced the martial arts for over 25 years and train Cage (MMA) fighters. There is no typical training of a UFC fighter. There are shows like All Access on Spike that show what different fighters do during their training. If you are interested I suggest that you join a MMA school and start training. Join a grappling and a stand up fighting school if you can't find or have access to a MMA facility. I suggest plain old school wrestling and Thai Boxing. How old are you? I ask because the sooner you start the better your chances are of reaching the UFC or some other org. As serious student can be ring ready in 1 to 2 years.

    I train 2 times a day for2 to 3 hours and my routine is different every day. I do cardio, core and spar every day though. Just eat healthy,cut out fast/junk food and if your a soda fan it's a no no. 5 small meals a day is what I eat. Lots of greens and protein. Check out fighters sites like Randy Couture and see what he does or Tito or or Forest. lol. Lots to pick from.

    Cheers and Good Luck!

  3. There is no such thing as typical UFC training. Every fighter has a different style. For example, Georges St. Pierre trains in each seperate facet of fighting- kickboxing, BJJ, wrestling, boxing, and conditioning. Some fighters have MMA coaches such as Greg Jackson.

    If I were you I would work on cardio as much as possible, running, swimming, rowing. Cardio is a VERY important factor in a fight. Then I would start strengthening my core muscles, i.e. abs, hammies, quads, and most importantly hips. After the core strength training, then I would start developing better technique in striking and grappling. Develop heavier hands and work ALOT on the ground because grappling is a strong facet of the sport.

    Remember that is just the start of training. After you do that for about three months it would be time to start blending all that you have worked on together into one strong MMA workout. Once you have trained enough then it would be time to start sparring with others.

  4. A lot of fighters started with wrestling. And it helps to learn muay thai and jiu jitsu. You need intense cardio, and training.

  5. watch the reality tv show on VH1, or maybe its Spike

  6. it varies with the fighters

    id say you should start with one style first and be really strong with that one before you branch out

    im sure you can find a forum online that can help you with your MMA training

  7. visit my blog at

    It's full of useful MMA techniques the tiniest details aren't included, but a practitioner will at least have a decent reference at mt blog.  Check it out...catch you later

  8. Nothing is typical. Check out All of thier fighters have pages with explanations from the fighters on how they train.
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