
UFC turning into the WWF?

by Guest56104  |  earlier

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Is the UFC turning into the WWF? I mean all the drama and arguments seem so pathetic it almost seems fake. Now I know the fightings real which seperates them from WWF but I just mean the entertainment style.




  1. It's kind of been that way for awhile. Tito vs Ken.

    I know Penn and Sherk really do hate each other and I for one think that makes the fight more interesting. For the most part MMA fighters have a lot of repect for one another but that isn't always the image presented by the UFC.

  2. If u mean its turning into the wwe i understand what you mean. all the arguments and out of cage drama. but if dana white hits machida with a chair and tito ortiz wins and white and ortiz become good friends afterward then i'll say for sure its turning into the wwe

  3. not really no one argues really just trash talk in promotional videos for like 2 min. WWE/WWF the whole SHOW is like 80% trash talk/arguing

    most of the arguing happens off screen anyway.

  4. exactly what he said...

  5. yes you are right

  6. Lets hope not.  However, if fighters like Tito Ortiz continue to create drama, the sport will go to h**l.  Most fighters take it very serious.  I guess it all depends on the "all mighty buck".

  7. It should not really be surprising.  The drama around WWF made it more popular, so they're going to use that same formula with MMA if they can.  Why?  Because they put sports in with entertainment.

  8. What you don't understand is the drama for the most part is real..  Most of these fighters have known each other through underground shows and smaller shows across the country..  MMA fighting has been around for a long time...  Take Rich Clementi and Garrard in there last fight.  They fought many years ago in a small rinky dink arena and hated each other back then...  All that animosity stays with them throughout the years.

    The Tito - Shamrock did'nt just start this past year.  That started a long time ago when Tito defeated a member of the lions Den, and shot Ken the middle finger.  For the most part all of the trash talking is for real..  Some is amped up a bit, but that is what you call good promoting...

    The UFC will never turn into the WWE.  WWE has turned to trash.

  9. I've noticed the aspect of the UFC to which you refer, and it does turn me off when I notice it.  I hope it doesn't continue.  

    I don't think it's as bad as WWE though, which is sheer fiction--stage plays, to be exact.  Utterly stupid ones at that, to state my opinion.  I don't understand why the two get mentioned in the same sentence so much, either.

  10. No the WWE is actually entertaining, UFC is boring c**p lol

  11. it cant turn to WWF because they would be taking the world wildlife federations initials which they cannot do!

  12. have u seen genki sudos entrances?reminded

    me of koko b. ware ,and b.j hyping his fight with sean

    saying hes going to kill him or burying him alive(undertaker)

    dont be surprised if sean comes in to the jaws theme .

    now we need tag mma matches and some special referees

    (ken shamrock special referee , tito vs. dana dog collar match!)

  13. NO!!! in UFC the punches are real, the slams are real, the chokes are real and the drama is real, thats my word.

  14. It would almost seem this way I understadn what your saying !  I feel it is because it have got into the hands of America.  In UFC it has NO tradition to the Arts they show on TV.  But when you go over to Thailand or watch Contender Asia, ( Muay Thai - Contender ) you see the true Art in the show.  I feel that lots of people are forgetting what Martial Arts is all about.  Martial Arts teaches you to do somebody in BUT, thats NOT what it's all about.  I feel this UFC show is just showing the animals of Martial Arts :)

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