
UFO'S human made and the moon?

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I heard that germans have the real ufo's flying saucers and that ufo's that we see are actually made by human's not aliens so does anyone know anything about this.And what about the moon landing I heard some where that it was fake and no stars I think government are lying to us about everything so what do you think.




  1. Google/youtube:

    Project Bluebeam, Operation Paperclip, Haunebu, Vril Society, Thule Society, n**i Bell, Electrogravitics, Mercury Plasma Magnetic Vortices, Thomas Townsend Brown, Kaluza-Kleine Theory, Nikola Tesla, etc...

  2. Maybe what many people report are actually top-secret aircrafts. Several U.S. scientists, as well as Germans have created (or attempted to) saucer shaped crafts. Also, many of the stealth aircraft that is known about today match at least some reports of UFOs.

    Look up UFOs and reverse engineering and underwater pyramids, it's kind of freaky that even before global travel was supposebly possible, man all created similar structures and held simliar beliefs, (who knows maybe Atlantis really existed haha) and that after most well-known UFO crashes were reported many new advances occured.

    As for the moon landing being fake, who the h**l knows haha. I love conspiracy theories and there are some things that people point to make it that way (the + s etched into the camera seem to appear behind the flags in pictures for one) but I think it would have been exposed by now.

  3. The moon landing wasn't fake...what reason would the goverment have to lie about it? They don't just lie to people for the sake of lying, you know..

  4. not a lot!

  5. i dont know.

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