
UFO Disappearance?

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I seem to remember in the 1970s, that there was a New Age guru (Not the guy who instigated mass suicide during the Hale Bopp Comet's approach) who claimed that he was taking some select people away on a UFO. He hosted seminars, and eventually a few dozen were chosen. And, evidently, they were never heard from again.

Is this an urban legend? Or did it really happen?




  1. i agree with u goooood joooob

  2. there is no such thing as a ufo

  3. Yes it did.  You are referring to Sixto Paz.  The UFO investigator from Chile who has had several of these outings, in Chile and other Latin American countries.  It is a fact.  You can Google him, if you wish.

    Unless you are also referring to George Adamski.

  4. try, paranormal plus more answers and info.

  5. Yes, I recall the 1970s story about the UFO cult which supposedly vanished in the desert waiting for an alien ship to pick them up.  Also the Hale Bopp Comet cult, i.e. Heaven's Gate cult, which committed mass suicide in 1997.  However the accounts I read at the time claimed that the two cults were actually ONE AND THE SAME group led by the same founder, Marshall Herff Applewhite.

    Apparently Applewhite's followers never really vanished at all.  They just moved around and went under different names.  They were apparently still active and known for twenty-some years within UFOlogical circles, trying to spread their 'religion' and gather new followers.

    It's just that the reporters at the time were simply too lazy to do any real investigations into what really happened.  They just reported that the whole cult vanished in the desert and left it at that.  Had the press done a little follow-up investigation they would have quickly discovered that Applewhite and his believers were alive, well and as active as ever right up until their suicides in 1997.

    Wikipedia has some info on the Heaven's Gate cult:'s_Ga... .

  6. Never heard of him.  Maybe that's the basis of the K-Pax story?

  7. I've heard stories like this a few times slightly different in the details.   I would bet on urban legend.

  8. A UFO that disappears is the only true UFO.

  9. You have my interest.  Apparently you don't recall his name.

    Where do you recall hearing of this person?

    My husband has this knack for retaining all sorts of odd yet useful information.  I will get back to you ASAP.

    I want to know the answer too.

  10. you mention someone from the 70's,and then mention

    hale boop comet,which was in 1995,theres a timeline gap,

    however ,in Switzerland., Billy Meier ,The authenticity of the hundreds of photos and films of beam ships from the Pleiades and at least one member of its crew -- taken by a one-armed farmer living in Switzerland in, is still hotly debated

    (it was in 1975)

  11. There are UFOs and aliens. Does anybody think, that with a vast space out there that is undiscovered, that we are the ONLY living creatures? Of course if you're Christian you might not believe it. I've never seen any UFOs or claim to have been abducted, but common sense would tell me that with the universe being as big as we already know it is, that we are definitely not alone.
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