
UFO experiences??

by  |  earlier

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Just curious, i have a friend who swears they have seen a UFO and i think she may be attention seeking! Just curious if anyone else believes they have seen a ufo or know of anyone who claims to have seen one? Hmmm....




  1. I live in Texas about 50 miles from stephenville.

    One night me and my mom and little brother were driving

    home from my basketball game and about 5 miles from our house at the lake we see 5 bright lights close to the ground falling from the sky. then they all go out then blink again at diff.

    times, then all of the sudden they all light up and line up in a row. this lasted about 20 sec. then they just disappeared. We were all in complete shock and disbelief. Ive always believed in UFOs but never seen any until that night. I didnt know who to tell so i told my cousin in stephenville and posted a bulletin on myspace about it right when i got home. A few days later my cousin texts me saying its in the stephenville paper that theres multiple people coming forward saying theyve all seen these lights and all have bizarre stories. It was a big media deal, even larry king and UFO files on the history channel covered this. I went to the meeting and gave a report about my siting. You can go to and search "stephenville aliens", it was a crazy experience and i wish i had more answers. But im glad i got to see it. I'll definately never forget it.

  2. "And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire."

    Ezekiel 1:4 (King James Bible)

    .....and it came to pass that he may have been attention seeking.

  3. It depends what your interpretation of UFO is.

    If you take it literally then any object you see in the sky which you cannot immediately identify if a UFO but not necessarily aliens or anything unusual.

  4. i have seen what i believe to be a UFO. ok so like me and m friend were comming out of youth group. i look back and see a HUGE light heading straight down behind the building, and it was soing super slow. it was this huge almost oval shaped ball of light going down it was really weird. and get this, it even changed directions! :D it was amazing, i still wonder about it..even today. you dont have to believe me, but i know what i saw. (: and im not the only one who saw it so no, im not insane l ol

  5. i think i saw one on a dark night. it was shaped like a disk with what looked like rockets on the back. it moved very fast despite being very large.

    not i was in be so it might have been a dream but it deffinatly wasnt a plane

  6. yes i have and so has my mate.....and his dog

  7. I once saw this weird thing right outside of my bedroom.

    (not right outside. but you get the point)

    It was moving very slow, and had SO many lights on it.

    And it made NO sound.

    I have no clue what it was.

    Was it a UFO?


    I don't even know if their real or not.

  8. I don't believe in the existence of UFO.

    If it exists,why hasn't they attacked us to take over our earth yet? What is the purpose of visiting to our earth?This is so absurd!

  9. i saw something hovering in daytona once that was too big to be a helicopter

  10. No lol! Any life form outside our own would have to be able to travel at the speed of light, making them more intelligent and no one in their right minds would visit here???
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