
UFO sightings real?

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Do you think it is actually UFO's from outerspace or just some foreign country looking over us or something?.




  1. For years the Air Force has dismissed them as hoaxes, hallucinations or misidentifications. Now the Air Force's own scientific consultant on unidentified flying objects declares that many of the sightings cannot be so easily explained.

  2. It is in the best interest of all governments to keep this kind of thing secret. Life on other planets might destroy the Christian beliefs because aliens from other planets are not mentioned in the Bible. There is also the risk of mass pandamonium, rioting, chaos and civil unrest. Heyyyy...we have ALL seen the movie Independence Day, right???

    WAYYYY TOO MANY people have also seen them or photographed them. Some of us call these people "Kooks", but think about this:

    You can call them KOOKS all you want to....but when these "Kooks" show up in the emergency room and other medical research centers claiming that they have Alien Implanted devices inside of them, it's time to sit up start taking these claims SERIOUSLYYYYY.

    Since the 1980's HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE have had electronic "objects" surgically removed from their bodies. Many are implanted in the arm, shoulder or foot. Some of these objects are on display in a museum in California. Some of them have been turned over to government research centers. These objects have been carefully studied under the electron microscope and determines to be transmitter devices which might have the capability to transmit signals so that they can be located by extra-terrestrial life forms. These devices are made using what we know as "nano technology" ...meaning they are MUCH too small to have been produced using present day human technology as we know it. These are transmitters no bigger than the size of a BB or a ladybug. Not suprisingly.....MANYYYY of these same people have reported being abducted numerous times and have had medical "experiments" conducted on them. Numerous women also have microscopic scars on their abdomens and have had eggs removed from them. Numerous men have had sperm samples surgically removed.

    The US Military has in it's possession no fewer than 6 UFO alien flying crafts or UFO's which have been recovered in tact or destroyed since 1947. These cases are fairly well documented, even though the government has gone to GREAT LENGHTS to discredit these stories by providing "dis-information". The Canadian government also has possession of aliens UFO's. At least TWO scientist have written books about seeing them at Area 51 years ago.

    You can come up with a hundred LAME EXCUSES for how or why you think UFO's and extra-terrestrials are fake.....but medical researchers, eye witnesses and American scientist are baffled.

    Crack a book at the library or do a Google search using the words "Alien Implants" if you don't believe me. Then be afraid. Be veryyyyy afraid.

  3. There has got to be other life besides us if you think about it sense outer space never ends so I'm sure some are but most are probably just people mistaken explainable things as UFOs from outer space.

  4. A UFO means only that it is not identified.  It may imply extraterrestrial aliens but it is only a flying object that is not familiar.  Some are misinterpretations of natural phenomena.  Some are possibly secret military aircraft designs.

    I find it almost impossible to believe that ANY are extraterrestrial aliens.

  5. Something like 249 out of 250 UFO reports can be identified with thoroughly understood natural phenomena, birds, kites, meteorites, the planet Venus, weather balloons, scheduled civil and military flights.

    Others are fraud or illusion, even hallucination or cannot be identified because of incompetent witnesses.

    A very few are truly unidentified and independently verified.  

    Nobody knows what these are, but we still do not know everything about the atmosphere.

    So as far as I am concerned, UFOs are not from outer space

    or secret flights by anyone.

  6. They are almost all just misinterpreted ordinary items. A few are hoaxes. There are none that are from space aliens.

  7. some are real and some aint,ive seen plenty of real ones though

  8. Talk to any professional pilot about UFOs, You will be given food for thought.
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