
UFO sightings? what do you think of them?

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lately there has been a lot of ufo sightings, anybody believe this? there are pictures in the papers, funny how ufo look the same as in movies, i am starting to believe it though, what do you think?




  1. UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are only unidentified because the observer lacks the astronomical or meteorological knowledge to identify them. That's why you never hear about UFOs observed by astronomers or meteorologists; they're only reported by people who are unfamiliar with what can be seen in the sky. I've been an amateur astronomer for over fifty years, and have never seen anything in the sky that I haven't been able to identify

  2. Funny though isn't it that with all of the high definition digital cameras, multi mega pixel mobile phone cameras, camcorders etc. that the pictures still look very vague and no better than they did 30 years ago.

    Are we really saying that modern technology still can't focus properly on an object to take a clear picture?

    Point a digital camera at something and it automatically focuses on the object to give a clear picture. Why then are none of the current so called pictured sightings in proper focus?

  3. They'r  un Identified!

  4. i am a full on beliver.. i no it sounds crazy, but i find it so interesting.. there is so much pro of aleins and ufos, but the ppl still dont beleive.. its quite comical actually

  5. How much more proof do you Earthlings need of our existence amongst your race? Of course we are cleverly disguised as inland revenue tax-inspectors and traffic wardens , but we are waiting for the chance to join Boris Johnson and George Bush to take over London and New York.

    Heathrow's  terminal 5 was to be our permanent base, but there were some logistic problems. Now, the London Dome beckons as an alternative.

    We will at last dominate you all........!!

  6. probably all fake i saw a famous artist make the saucer and he then later admitted his paintng was fake but now we still make up stupid stories

  7. There is definitely something out there!!! It would be tooooo boring if not.

  8. what is the actual reality behind UFO

    why d**n this is taught in our lessons too during education?

    UFO's reality is answered in this link below:

  9. we will never know the truth

    regards x kitti x

  10. To be honest I feel quite disappointed. It turns out the big fleet of 'UFOs' caught on a mobile phone by that soldier was only a fleet of chinese lanterns that were released at a wedding reception nearby.

    Although they still haven't explained what the h**l attacked that helicopter in south wales, so it's not all bad.

  11. I hope it's true. But we'll never know...

  12. I do not deny life other then ours. I only can't seem to come to grips with the idea that they come here then stay for a moment or two then leave with hardly any trace. It's just to alien for me.

  13. they are soo real

  14. I think you will find that they can all be explained.....

  15. Since all "UFO" means is that somebody saw something and didn't know what it was, then yes, I believe there are a lot of UFO sightings.  

    UFO does NOT = little green men, alien spaceships, etc.  

    Most UFO's are later identified, and most turn out to be ordinary objects that were viewed in unusual conditions, or else were viewed by people who simply didn't know what they were looking at.  

    But I do have a question for you.  Why is it that these "aliens", assuming they exist, only visit the guy in the wife-beater shirt or the lady in the purple stretch pants?  

    Why don't these "aliens" ever visit the president, air force generals, doctors, supreme court justices, astrophysicists, marine biologists, etc.  Get the idea?  

    PS - to Chris P below, regarding the recent "sightings" in Wales, the chinese lanterns were released at a wedding, not a celebration of the chinese new year.

  16. Most tabloids have illustrated the items with stock pictures of flying saucers, but if you read the story, it is clear that what is being reported are unidentified aircraft. Worrying of course, for the security people, but nothing to do with little green men!

    And the big flap of a few weeks ago turned out to be fire-balloons launched from a wedding!

  17. there out there we are not alone

  18. Ever notice that flying saucers in the 50's and 60's had tail fins.

    the ones in the 80's had square headlights.

    During the 90's we started seeing SUV UFO's.

  19. I've been an amateur astronomer for over 20 years, and have never seen anything in the sky that shouldn't be there. I'm open to the possibility, but no sightings, yet. I've had better luck with ghosts, though.

  20. well i noticed thumbs down for the believers, thumbs up for the skeptics, so maybe this question is already tainted...

    who was it that said UFOs are only visiting farmers and women in stretchy pants....but not air force generals???

    check your facts, commercial airline pilots, military personnel of all rankings, scientists, astronomers, and politicians have had ufo sightings for ages...the number of trained military personnel that have seen it is astronomical itself...

    skpetics about this subject choose not to open their minds. but thats a good thing, cause then they may be a better person for realizing their small place in the universe...instead of at the center of their own...

  21. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

  22. All these people saying we'll never no, why not, perhaps we're not ready to meet them and there just observing us to see if, as a race,we are ever going to grow up.

    As for all the modern technology in cameras and so on don't you think they could be using a blocking or distortion device so you cant take a picture, after all they've just flown from another galaxy, you no, they might be cleverer than us (god forbid)

  23. Of course I believe. WAYYYY TOO MANY people have seen them or photographed them. Some of us call these people "Kooks", but think about this:

    You can call them KOOKS all you want to....but when these "Kooks" show up in the emergency room and other medical research centers claiming that they have Alien Implanted devices inside of them, it's time to sit up start taking these claims SERIOUSLYYYYY.

    Since the 1980's HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE have had electronic "objects" surgically removed from their bodies. Many are implanted in the arm, shoulder or foot. Some of these objects are on display in a museum in California. Some of them have been turned over to government research centers. These objects have been carefully studied under the electron microscope and determines to be transmitter devices which might have the capability to transmit signals so that they can be located by extra-terrestrial life forms. These devices are made using what we know as "nano technology" ...meaning they are MUCH too small to have been produced using present day human technology as we know it. These are transmitters no bigger than the size of a BB or a ladybug. Not suprisingly.....MANYYYY of these same people have reported being abducted numerous times and have had medical "experiments" conducted on them. Numerous women also have microscopic scars on their abdomens and have had eggs removed from them. Numerous men have had sperm samples surgically removed.

    You can come up with a hundred LAME EXCUSES for how or why you think this is fake.....but medical researchers and American scientist are baffled.

    Crack a book at the library or do a Google search using the words "Alien Implants" if you don't believe me. Then be afraid. Be veryyyyy afraid.

  24. i do believe in ufos cause there has been quite a lot of evidence

  25. Mmmm.. this Alien/UFO stuff is becoming a crashing bore.

    After all those reports from Liverpool saying people rushed out into the street to see these alien spacecraft, it turns out these were Chinese Lanterns (if you know what that is) released from a wedding ceremony up the road. What a bunch of idiots.

    Do something useful like look at the stars next time.

    (If you know what a star is)

  26. Will report back in a minute - strange object floating around outside - oh my God - it's all lit up and humming and what..............................


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