
UGH!!! I need to know this. I am super annoyed right now?

by  |  earlier

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I really need to know this.

When Telemarketing Agents call, is there usually an actual human being on the other end that i can talk to? Cause the next time this one calls, I'm gonna threaten him/her so bad they'll wish they never became a God d**n Mother ******* Telemarketer.

I have been recieving phone calls from the same Telemarketer for months now. (we have caller ID so I know that it's the same one every time.) and it usually calls about 5 times a day, WELL. This morning, the same Telemarketer has called about 4 times already, and it's hardly noon!!!! So the next time it calls...oh boy. everyone cover their ears and run for the hills. I am officially releasing the devil inside me.




  1. LOL!! I know I absolutely HATE them too! When I lived with my parents, they would call seriously like 20 times a day (no joke or exaggeration)'s like they want to annoy you. And we've tried politely to tell them to stop and they don't. So I told my mom I would tell them if they called one more time I was going to say "stop calling or I'll call the cops!" like really rudely to give them the hint....but my mom said not to do this...ugh!! lol....I applaud you for going to give them a piece of your mind!! Good luck, tell me how it goes.

    By the way, I believe there is a human on the other end. Alot of them are just recorded, or there's silence for a few seconds before someone comes on.

  2. not a good idea to threaten someone... especially over the phone, and when "all calls may be recorded for quality assurance"

    if they are trying that desperate to get in touch with you it is more likely a collections agent and not a telemarketer  

  3. it really depends, if your not sure if there is another person on the other end, try stopping them while their talking, and if they don't stop it's usually just a recording, but if you really want to tell them off and it is a recording, it usually tells you what number to press to talk to someone, or if you listen to the whole recording it usually gives you a number to press to be taken off the caller list.

  4. Most often it is NOT a human but a computer that records what time the call is picked up by someone. Put yourself on the Do Not Call List and when they call and it's someone you HAVEN'T done business with, report them. If you want, pick up the phone and simply say "STOP CALLING. STOP CALLING. STOP CALLING". If you get no response, it's a computer. If someone says "sorry"......then chances are, they won't call anymore.

  5. Put your number in the Federal "do not call regigistry" and then if after 31 days they still call you can file a complaint and collect fines.

  6. U sound like my mom! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! anyway theres a 50% chance it will be a real person but it could be a computer but anyway i'd hte to be the next telemarketer to call u !!!!!!!

  7. just an automated call  you have caller id dont pick up

  8. More and more of these companies are using recordings these days although i believe not so long ago that was against FCC regs. They must've changed that. So, there's a good chance it's not a person, but a recording. Put yourself on the National Do Not Call Registry, they are on the Internet. After a few months you won't receive ANY more telemarketing calls. I used to get 10 a day. Now I don't get ANY. Do it, for your own sanity.  

  9. anger management?

  10. LOL You go Girl!!!!  Post what happens!

  11. yea im pretty sure there is a annoying person behind the telephone talking to you. ill probably do the same thing if they keep calling me too lol.

  12. it doesnt matter, just let it all out,but ther usualy a person

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