
UK. Any plans to increase benefits given all recent price increases?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering if anyone knows if there are any plans to increase the money that people recive via benefits?

I dont want to seem like a money grabber or anything so please dont think that.

I am out of work at the moment and as a single parent i am relying on benfits untill i get another job.

But with all the recent price increases I cant see how i am to manage.

I know benefits normally only go up once a year but surely the government cant leave people struggling on the little money they recieve.

I have looked on the internet but not found anything.

So any help would be apreciated.





  1. No they are increased every April  

  2. Erm, hold on, benefits are supposed to be short term anyway, so relying on them is only the fault of the person taking advantage of the system. I think the current system rate is fine, it provides an extra incentive for people to find work, whether that be part time to top up their income, or full time to replace the benefits. Being a lone parent is no excuse these days, the government now pays for child care, and there are many quality child care places available in any small town to large city.

  3. certainly not,,,unless you are an immigrant/illegal or legal matters not,,then the gov will foot the bill with taxpayers money,,,if you work and pay tax,no chance if you belong to indigenous population,,,no chance,,,they have now seen to it that pretty much all benefits are now means tested the only good news on the horizon(but they could also plug this loophole)is that a taxpayer is allowed in his working life(say 16 - 65yrs(and they want to make that 70yrs)to not work for 5years before your state pension is affected,meanwhile they annually award themselves huge payrises while they bank them and live on tax free expenses

  4. I would say it's unlikely - given that they don't have an infinite supply of money. The money they hand out mostly comes from taxation income - with people taking pay cuts, 0% salary increases, and rising unemployment - the government is collecting less tax at the same time as more people need the assistance - they just have the capacity to increase the amounts.

    Additionally - policies that increase the amount of money in the economy with no output to justify the incraese lead to inflation - which is already high, which will lead to more inflation as they then have to hand even more money etc etc etc

    It's called the J-curve - we will all have to feel the pain before things get better - we go down the left side of the "J" and then up the right side... It works because when people feel the pain they will stop spending - ultimately oil prices will fall and so will gas / electricity...

  5. Our wages only go up once a year so why should you get more money for doing naff all. I know plenty of single parents and they all work. Maybe you need to look harder for a job. The government will pay ALL your childcare fees, so i don't see why any parents won't work. Pure laziness!

  6. A few people answering this question seem to think that the government pays for childcare.  That's not true!  I am lucky enough to work from home so I can get by without much childcare, but a few years ago I put my two children aged one and three in daycare for half the week, since it was very difficult to work with them around.  The bill came to about £540 a month, and the government refunded £70 a month.  As a couple we took home about £2000 a month between us. I don't see how a single parent could work unless she was very well paid or had friends/parents supplying free childcare.  



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