
UK: How could western society improve?

by Guest58735  |  earlier

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They tell us we get cancer if we don't eat our 5 a day, they tell us we are unhealthy if we don't drink 8 glasses of water a day, they tell us if we do bad at school our lives will be rubbish, they tell us if smoke we will die, they tell us if we drink we are bad, they tell us we are fat, they tell us we don't look normal if we don't conform to rules.

I hate western society, the government is in control of us whilst the media bombards us with negative idealisms which which go againts what the government tells, for example it's cool to take drugs, it's cool to look like a stick insect, its bad being a geek, its bad being chubby, who agrees that western society is ******* dumb and ridiculous?




  1. A lot of what 'they' say is based in fact, but to follow government guidelines in every walk of life would, not only be dangerous but, boring.

    I live by my parents advice on most things. I am now 57 years old and yet I still think back to things I was told by my dad.

    Don't be a sheep. Decide what bits you need for yourself.

    1984 is upon us

    After writing my answer I clicked back and read Elwood Blues's answer. Absolutely brilliant

  2. You know what M.K. Gandhi said: he was asked what he thought of Western Civilisation and replied he thought it would be a good idea.

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